Xi Sigma Pi is the National Forestry Honor Society, founded in 1908 at the University of Washington. The University of New Hampshire houses the Alpha Epsilon chapter, founded in 1966, serving as the honor society for Natural Resources and the Environment.
The objectives of Xi Sigma Pi are to secure and maintain a high standard of scholarship in forestry and natural resource professions, and to promote a fraternal spirit among those engaged in activities related to these fields.
Members of the society possess the important characteristics that will help them grow into natural resources' professionals: honesty, loyalty, initiative, and teamwork.
Chapter sponsored events
- Ginkgo Raffle: Ginkgo biloba leaves tend to all drop on one day in the fall. A contest allows people to guess what day it will be! Winner(s) get a raffle prize!
- Teacher of the Year Award: decided by students and awarded at the Departmental Annual BBQ in late spring
- College Brook Cleanup: keep our campus clean, and volunteer to pick up trash around college brook
- Annual plant sales: connect students with the unh greenhouses and brightening up their dorms
Why should you join?
Xi Sigma Pi is, at the time of this writing, the only and oldest organization facilitated through the UNH NREN department. Its goal is to unite likeminded individuals through service and fraternal spirit through a shared enjoyment of the environment.
In addition, members receive recognition for their service by earning a cord to wear during graduation. Opportunities to take up leadership roles and give back to the NREN department are abundant.
- A 3.4 GPA, and enrollment in an NREN Graduate or Undergraduate program
- A joining fee of $20, paid only once upon joining
- 1 page, single space essay about one of the topics provided below:
Application found here
Contact information
If you’d like to join, wish to collaborate, or have questions for Xi Sigma Pi, please contact one of the following people:
NREN Main Office
Phone: (603) 862-1022
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Mark Ducey
Email: mark.ducey@unh.edu
Phone: (603) 862-4429