Biomedical Science (Minor)

Biomedical Science (Minor)
Biomedical Science Minor

What is biomedical science?

The biomedical science minor will provide you with an introduction to molecular and cellular biology, and anatomy and physiology. You will then be able to select from a wide variety of courses to tailor your minor to your interests. Combine this minor with a major in an area such as biology, chemistry, health management and policy, neuroscience and behavior, nutrition, psychology, education or environmental studies to enhance your career opportunities or to prepare for further study at the graduate level.

Why study biomedical sciences at UNH?

At UNH, you’ll receive an outstanding academic foundation and gain lab experiences to help prepare for successful careers or future studies. The biomedical sciences minor has highly experienced faculty with demonstrated excellence in teaching, research and career guidance. You’ll have access to state-of-the-art facilities in faculty research labs, the Hubbard Center for Genome Studies, the University Instrumentation Center, the NH Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory and the UNH Agricultural Experiment Station facilities, all located on campus.

Potential career areas

  • Clinical research
  • Federal or state regulation
  • Healthcare
  • Laboratory technician
  • Research

Medical Microbiology Option Coordinator
Phone: (603) 862-5175
Office: Molecular, Cellular, & Biomedical Sciences, Rudman Hall Rm 283, Durham, NH 03824
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Curriculum & Requirements

Students who wish to develop focused competencies in the broad area of the biomedical sciences can complement their major academic program with a minor in biomedical science (BMS).

The minor consists of a minimum of 20 credits, no more than 8 of which can also be used to fulfill major requirements.  A grade of C-minus or better is required for all courses counted towards the minor.  A "C average" (2.00) is required in courses that the minor department approves. Pass/fail courses can not be used for the minor. It is the student’s responsibility to file an Intent to Minor form with the BMS minor advisor by the end of the junior year and to complete a Certification of Completion of Minor form during their final semester at UNH.

Required Courses
BIOL 411Introductory Biology: Molecular and Cellular4
BMS 508Human Anatomy and Physiology II4
or ANSC 512 Animal Anatomy and Physiology II
Select additional courses from the list below to complete 20 total credits for the minor. Note: some courses may have prerequisites.
BMS 501Microbes in Human Disease4
BMS 503
BMS 504
General Microbiology
and General Microbiology Laboratory
BMS 560
BMS 561
Body Fluids
and Body Fluids Laboratory
BMS 602
BMS 603
Pathogenic Microbiology
and Pathogenic Microbiology Laboratory
BMS 610Biomedical Lab Management4
BMS 623Histology: Microscopic Cellular Structure and Function4
BMS #635Preceptorial in Prehospital Care2
BMS 640Phlebotomy Theory2
BMS 644Clinical Hematology3
BMS 650Molecular Diagnostics4
BMS 655Human and Animal Parasites3
BMS 656Immunohematology3
BMS 658Medical Biochemistry3
BMS 702Endocrinology4
BMS 703Infectious Disease and Health4
BMS 704Pathologic Basis of Disease4
BMS 705Immunology3
BMS 706Virology3
BMS #711Toxicology4
BMS 712Experiences in Applied Veterinary Diagnostics2
BMS 718Mammalian Physiology4
BMS 719Host-Microbe Interactions4
BMS 720Mycology, Parasitology, and Virology3
BMS 730Ethical Issues in Biomedical Science4
BMS 740Human Microbiome4
BMCB 605Principles of Cell Biology4
BMCB 753Cell Culture5
GEN 704Microbial Genetics and Genomics5
GEN 717Molecular Microbiology5
HMP 501Epidemiology and Community Medicine4
NUTR 750Nutritional Biochemistry4

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