Graduate Student Profiles

Master of Science in Agricultural Sciences student Isabella Borrero. Isabella has light-brown skin and short dark-brown hair that's cropped at her shoulders. She wears black-rimmed glasses and wears a green and white floral print top.
Isabella Borrero

I am a graduate research assistant in plant pathology working under Anna O'Brien investigating the effects of alternative soil substrates on natural disease suppression of both Rhizoctonia and Pythium in multiple floriculture species. For my master’s thesis I will be studying the microbiomes of plants in these alternative soil substrates. I will gather samples of the rhizospheres of floriculture species grown in wood fiber soils for genetic testing to identify the microbes present as well as analyzing their metabolite production. I earned my Bachelor of Science in agricultural sciences majoring in plant pathology and minoring in microbiology from The Ohio State University. When I’m not in the lab or greenhouse you can find me out for a run, painting or taking my cat Mac for a walk.

Master of Science in Agricultural Sciences student Tamanna Islam. Tamanna has lightish-brown skin and medium-brown hair. She wears a multi-colored floral print top with bits of red, pink, yellow and light green and blue in it.
Tamanna Islam

I am Tamanna Islam, and I am from Bangladesh. I completed my bachelor's from Bangladesh Agricultural University with animal husbandry major. During my undergraduate studies, I participated in an exchange program called the Community College Initiative program. I studied animal science at Kirkwood Community College in Iowa, which motivated me to enroll in higher studies at one of the U.S. universities. Currently, I am doing my master’s in agricultural science (dairy calf nutrition) under the supervision of Peter Erickson. I am thrilled to be a part of such an amazing agricultural science program and am looking forward to doing some innovative research on calf nutrition and immunity. When I am not doing research, you can find me painting or traveling.

Master of Science in Agricultural Sciences student Elise Neidecker. Elise has curly dark-brown hair and tan white skin. Her hair hangs down her vivid red top.
Elise Neidecker (she/her)

I earned my B.A. in sociology, French and Spanish from Kenyon College, where I focused on environmental sociology and food systems. After graduating, I worked for Global Greengrants Fund, a grassroots environmental justice funder, on regional grants management in Latin America and Central and West Africa, and with partners including the Agroecology Fund and Pesticide Action Network. At UNH, I’m supporting Analena Bruce’s research on topics like farm viability in New England and farmers’ collaborative marketing models. I am particularly passionate about grassroots local food movements and the revitalization of rural economies in the U.S., and with my partner, I hope to start a regenerative four-season vegetable farm in the coming years.

UNH Graduate Student Julia Oliver
Julia Oliveira

I am a master's student in the agricultural sciences program at UNH. I graduated with a bachelor's degree in agronomy from the University of Brasília in Brazil, and I have worked in the agricultural Industry, as well as on a farm in Massachusetts and in a greenhouse in Minnesota before deciding to go back to school. I am working in the sustainable agriculture and food systems field with Associate Professor Iago Hale. I'm excited to learn as much as I can to make agriculture more effective in the most sustainable way and help rural workers to develop their knowledge and grow their production. 

Master of Science in Agricultural Sciences student Radhika Rani. Radhika has dark-brown skin and jet-black hair. She wears an unbuttoned button-up shirt with blue and white stripes. Underneath the shirt she wears a colorful t-shirt.
Radhika Rani

I am from Punjab, India. I am a Graduate Teaching Assistant at UNH and am working under Rebecca Sideman's supervision. I graduated from Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) with a Bachelor of Science in agriculture. During my undergraduate years, I studied various courses including agronomy, horticulture, plant pathology, and plant breeding. Besides academics, I love dancing, embroidery and fabric painting. I was part of the college dance team at PAU. I am grateful to be a part of COLSA and UNH.

UNH Graduate Student Zoe Robinson
Zoe Robinson

I am a graduate student in the agricultural sciences program working towards my master’s degree under Associate Professor Iago Hale. I am from Granby, Massachusetts, which is best known for having one stoplight and some dinosaur footprints. I received my bachelor’s degree from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, in sustainable food and farming and nutrition. During that time, I coordinated the Research and Extension Experiences for Undergraduates (REEU) internship program, which exposed community college students and UMass undergraduates to the work of UMass Cooperative Extension, under the Fruit Team. Now, at UNH, I am looking forward to studying kiwiberries and talking to growers to learn how those of us in academia can best support them and their essential work. I plan to eventually work in Cooperative Extension in agricultural education and horticultural research. When not working, I enjoy cooking, going outside and attending events at my church. 

UNH Graduate Student Lydia Valentine
Lydia Valentine

I graduated from the University of Rhode Island with a Bachelor of Science in animal science and technology. I am in the agricultural sciences master’s program under the supervision of Peter Erickson studying dairy nutrition. My research is focused on the effects of nicotinic acid on pre-partum, multiparous Jersey cows and their calves. I am so grateful to be here at UNH involved in this research. 

UNH Graduate Student Joshua Addo
Joshua Addo

I received both my bachelor’s and Master of Philosophy degrees in botany (mycology, plant pathology and soil microbiology) from the University of Ghana. I worked with the Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana, evaluating fungicides for the control of cocoa diseases in Ghana. Here at UNH, I am working in the cucurbit breeding and genetics program ( on understanding the mechanisms of resistance to powdery mildew in Cucurbita spp. and breeding resistance against Phytophthora capsica fruit rot in Cucurbita spp.  My vision is to contribute to the development of cucurbit varieties with robust resistance to diseases, help reduce the reliance on chemical fungicides, promote environmentally friendly and sustainable agricultural practices and help maximize profits for farmers due to higher yields and reduced input costs.

The PhD program in Agricultural Sciences at UNH is an important opportunity for me to continue my education in plant pathology by having the opportunity to work in several top-notch teaching and research facilities.


Master of Science in Agricultural Sciences student Muhammad Adeel Arshad. Adeel has brown skin and black hair. He has glasses with dark-brown frames. He wears a plaid-patterned shirt of light and dark blue.
Muhammad Adeel Arshad

I am from Punjab, Pakistan, and currently I am working in Andre Brito’s lab as a graduate research assistant. My research is strategically focused on ruminant nutrition with an emphasis on enhancing nitrogen utilization in lactating dairy cows through dietary manipulation to reduce the environmental impact of dairy systems. I am honored to be a part of such an amazing university and have the chance to work in a multicultural environment that would build my skills with cutting edge technologies.

Diana Reyes Gomez
Diana Reyes Gomez
Mamta Kajal
Mamta Kajal

Being a native of Punjab, I was always curious about crop cultivation. This led me to pursue Bachelor of Science in biotechnology from the best agricultural university in India, Punjab Agricultural University. I had 6 months in-house project training on tissue culture of fruits like date palm, pomegranate, mango, strawberry and citrus. I then got admitted to Master of Science in biotechnology program at the same university and did research on mapping of yellow vein mosaic virus disease resistance in okra. However, I was always eager to explore and learn new things and admired UNH for its good research. I joined UNH as an agricultural sciences doctoral student, and my research focuses on strawberry transgenics in the Davis lab. I am also thankful to the ANFS department for my graduate teaching assistantship.

Mehedi Khandakar

I am a master's student in the agricultural sciences program at UNH. I graduated with a bachelor's degree in agronomy from the University of Brasília in Brazil, and I have worked in the agricultural Industry, as well as on a farm in Massachusetts and in a greenhouse in Minnesota before deciding to go back to school. I am working in the sustainable agriculture and food systems field with Associate Professor Iago Hale. I'm excited to learn as much as I can to make agriculture more effective in the most sustainable way and help rural workers to develop their knowledge and grow their production.  

Palash Mandal
Palash Mandal

I was born into and brought up in a farming family in Bangladesh. I received Bachelor of Science in agriculture and Master of Science in agronomy at Sylhet Agricultural University in Bangladesh. I earned a second master’s degree in plant sciences from Wageningen University and Research (WUR) in the Netherlands. As a teaching assistant, I support ANSC 698 – Cooperative for Real Education in Agricultural Management (CREAM). As a doctoral researcher, I am working on investigating phytoestrogens concentration in forage legumes. In my free time, I enjoy fishing and gardening. I chose UNH’s Agricultural Sciences PHD program because it complements my background, and I would like to build my career in academia after completing the program.

Atikur Rahman

I graduated from Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) with a Bachelor of Science in animal husbandry. I also participated in the Community College Initiative Program, and studied animal science at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids Iowa. During my time at BAU as a research assistant I was involved with several research projects that investigated insect protein (earthworm meal, black soldier fly meal) as an alternative protein source for animal feed. Currently, I am a graduate research assistant under the supervision of Dr. André Brito, and I am working to complete my Ph.D. in agricultural science (dairy cow nutrition). My research is focused on the N utilization of dairy cows and comprehensive assessment of GHG mitigation strategies through dietary intervention. I am really excited to be a part of the agricultural science program and looking forward to helping the dairy farmers through my research.  

UNH Graduate Student Will Sims
William Sims

I was born and raised in Virginia and graduated with my Bachelor of Science degree from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. My undergraduate research focused on avian neurology, specifically exploring the function of insulin in poultry. After graduation, I attended the University of Georgia and received my Master of Science degree by assessing microclimatic modifications to mitigate heat stress in southeastern feedlot systems. I am currently working on my doctoral degree under the guidance of Andre Brito, studying nutritional strategies to improve dairy cow health in the face of climate change. I would like to bring to light the issues of heat stress in the Northeast, which is rarely explored or even acknowledged in the literature. I appreciate both the University of Vermont and University of New Hampshire for allowing me to continue my research.

Master of Science in Nutrition student Jason Alme. Jason has tanned white skin, and short dark hair. He wears a dark grey sports jacket and a pinkish-red button up shirt.

Jason Alme

I graduated from University of New Hampshire with a Bachelor of Science degree in nutrition: dietetics and am currently completing the accelerated Master of Science in nutrition science. My passion for nutrition was kindled when I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 2007, and I’ve wanted to be a certified diabetes care and education specialist ever since. As a father of two young daughters, I am also keenly interested in pediatric nutrition. I currently analyze data and create reports for a medical nutrition therapy company called Good Measures, and prior to that I spent almost a decade as a health coach in Atlanta, Georgia. Additionally, I have two undergraduate degrees from the University of Georgia. Back when I had spare time, I enjoyed reading, cooking and critical analysis of cinema.

Master of Science in Nutrition student Rachel Goding. Rachel has brown hair with tinges of purple on the ends. She has white skin and wears brown-rimmed glasses. Her shirt is purple with dots of yellow, green and red.
Rachel Goding

In May 2022, I earned a B.S. in nutrition and wellness with a minor in culinary nutrition and food studies from the University of New Hampshire. I’m currently pursuing an accelerated M.S. in nutritional sciences. I thoroughly enjoy immersing myself in new experiences outside of the classroom — from studying abroad in Italy to working as a head chef at a summer camp for the American Diabetes Association. Through my time as an undergraduate TA and after completing a teaching internship with the Manchester Middle School, I developed a passion for nutrition education. I envision that my future career in the field of nutrition will also involve playing a supportive role in creating food access opportunities. Outside of academics I like to recharge by spending time in nature, whether that be a scenic hike or journaling in my hammock.

UNH Graduate Student Sarah L'italien
Sarah L'Italien

In May 2023, I graduated from the University of New Hampshire with a Bachelor of Science in dietetics. Now I am earning a Master of Science in nutrition before moving on to pursue a dietetic internship. My long-term plan is to become a registered dietitian and to work in a clinical setting with the pediatric population and/or with individuals of all ages who are affected by diabetes.

I currently work at Wentworth-Douglass Hospital as a diet office representative. In this role, I apply my knowledge of nutrition outside the classroom to assist patients in ordering meals that are appropriate for their diet orders and personal preferences. When I’m not working or studying, I enjoy reading, spending time with my family and friends, volunteering with the American Red Cross and traveling as much as I can.

UNH Graduate Student Allie Maimone
Allie Maimone

I graduated in May of 2023 from the University of New Hampshire with my Bachelor of Science in nutrition and wellness. I am completing the Didactic Program in Dietetics certification and am studying for my Master of Science in nutrition. I love all things food, so a degree in nutrition was always on the horizon. I hope to convey my love for food and its nutritional benefits to others. My passion lies in nutrition education, especially in the world of counseling, so I am excited to work with people wherever they are at in their food journey to help them reach their nutrition goals. I look forward to helping my clients to create a healthy and enjoyable relationship with food. In my spare time, I enjoy the outdoors, whether that be getting out on the water or going for a long walk with my family.

UNH Graduate Student Eva Pellerin
Eva Pellerin

In May 2023, I completed my undergraduate degree in nutrition and dietetics here at UNH. I am now pursuing an accelerated master’s degree in nutrition and will soon be applying to dietetic internships for next year to become a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. I have a lot of interest in the field of clinical nutrition and aim to begin my career as an RDN in this setting. Eventually, I would love to specialize in providing care for either oncology patients or people suffering from diabetes. I currently work in Food and Nutrition Services at Portsmouth Regional Hospital in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. I work closely with the head RDN and have enjoyed learning from her. Outside of my education, I enjoy going to concerts, thrift shopping, cooking, reading, and spending time with my friends and family.

UNH Graduate Student Grace Tomann
Grace Tomann

I recently graduated from the University of New Hampshire with a Bachelor of Science in biology and am currently pursuing a Master of Science in nutrition through the accelerated program. My passion for nutrition has stemmed from learning about the intersection between food and medicine. My undergraduate research experience allowed me to explore clinical cancer research, and I am excited to experience research in the realm of nutrition and public health with my master's. I look forward to using my nutrition education in the healthcare field. My end goal is to pursue a career in medicine and public health as an M.D. while continuing research on preventative and clinical nutritional care. Outside of academics, I love cooking, eating, and reading, as well as being a member of the UNH volleyball team, where I am completing my senior year with the program.

UNH Graduate Student Katelyn Young
Katelyn Young

I graduated from the University of New Hampshire with my Bachelor of Science in nutrition and dietetics in May of 2023. During my time as an undergraduate, I decided to pursue an accelerated graduate degree pathway through the 1-year M.S in Nutrition. After graduation, I hope to complete a dietetic internship and become a clinical dietitian, with special interests in maternal and pediatric nutrition and critical care. I currently work as a nutrition assistant at Elliot Hospital in Manchester, New Hampshire, where I have been able to work closely with the dietitians. In my free time, I enjoy volunteering in the community, reading and cooking.

UNH Graduate Student Selina Agendaa
Selina Awinbisa Agandaa

I am from Ghana, West Africa. I received my bachelor’s degree in public health from the University of Health and Allied Sciences, Ho, Ghana, in 2020. I am currently pursuing a master’s in nutritional science , a graduate teaching assistant and working on my research in Assistant Professor Mena Noereem’s lab. Prior to coming to UNH, I spent two years working as a junior policy analyst with the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations in Ghana, where my team mostly focused on monitoring and analyzing food and agricultural policies. Specifically, I worked on analyzing price incentives data for commodities, public expenditure data and policy reforms in Ghana.

During my undergraduate program, I gained substantial working experience through internships at two District Health Directorates of the Ghana Health Service. I managed micronutrient deficiencies such as iron, zinc and vitamin A, and wasting among vulnerable groups such as children and mothers while working with the nutrition unit. Individuals with underlying health issues such as diabetes, hypertension and anemia, among others, were targeted for these health education programs.

My graduate research focuses on child and maternal nutrition and well-being and chronic disease prevention. I am a strong believer that what we consume has an immediate and long-term impact on our nutritional status and health and well-being and that most of the health problems in the world are centered on dietary habits and individual lifestyles

UNH Graduate Student Nicholas Clarke
Nicholas ClaRke

I graduated from the University of New Hampshire in 2023 with a Bachelor of Science in nutritional sciences. During my time in undergrad, I joined Assistant Professor Carlota Dao's research lab and found a passion for nutrition research. I decided to continue my journey in academia after being accepted into UNH's nutritional sciences master's program. I'm now a graduate research assistant in the Dao Research Lab, acting as a supporting member on various projects looking at things like fiber consumption and food insecurity in the New Hampshire Hispanic population, all while developing a thesis of my own. My passions outside of UNH include promoting exercise as a certified personal trainer.

UNH Graduate Student Phoebe Baker
Phoebe Baker

I graduated from the University of New Hampshire in 2022 with my Bachelor of Science in nutrition and dietetics and am currently pursuing my Master of Science in Nutrition & Dietetics with internship (MSDI). I have always been interested in the human body and how it processes our food for fuel, and this interest is what led me into the field of nutrition. My goal is to become a clinical dietitian working with patients in a hospital setting. I look forward to the clinical portion of the internship and applying the knowledge I have gained while an undergrad. Outside of the classroom, I enjoy being outdoors whether swimming, biking, hiking, or reading in a hammock. I also enjoy traveling and experiencing new foods and cultures.

UNH Graduate Student Elizabeth Barton
Elizabeth Barton

I earned my Bachelor of Science in dietetics, nutrition, and food science from the University of Vermont and am now working to earn my Master of Science in nutrition and complete a dietetic internship at UNH. I have wanted to go into the field of nutrition and dietetics since high school. As I have discovered more niche areas of the field, I have been extremely drawn to clinical pediatrics and NICU care and I hope to eventually work in this area after becoming a registered dietitian. I feel that it is an especially vulnerable time not only for patients but for their families and I would love to work as part of a care team to help support these people during such a difficult experience. In my spare time I love cooking, being outdoors and spending time with friends and family.

UNH Graduate Student Abigail Brown
Abigail Brown

I am a recent graduate of Seattle Pacific University in Seattle, Washington where I earned a Bachelor of Science in dietetics and a Bachelor of Arts in honors liberal arts with a minor in sociology. I am currently completing a master's degree at UNH in the nutrition and dietetics program. Before starting my graduate studies, I gained experience working as a nutrition consultant for a disaster preparedness volunteer organization and at a senior living facility. At Seattle Pacific, I had the opportunity to fill leadership positions as a resident advisor and as a planner for the campus's annual Body Appreciation Week, which gave me a deeper appreciation of what it means to value whole-body wellness and share that value with young adults in transitional experiences.

Though I am open to many areas of nutrition, my current area of professional interest is in nutrition counseling, potentially related to disordered eating and body neutrality. Ultimately, I hope to become a registered dietitian and work in a capacity that allows me to help people develop healthy relationships with their bodies and with the food they eat by emphasizing whole-body wellness. Aside from my professional interests, I enjoy propagating and growing house plants and making or appreciating art. As someone who grew up in the Pacific Northwest, I have a deep love for nature and enjoy going on nature walks or learning about native vegetation.  

Master of Science in Nutrition student Emily Butkus. Emily has light brown skin. Her hair is a deep brown color and falls down to her elbows. She wears a cream-colored top.
Emily Butkus (MSDI)

I recently graduated from Keene State College in 2022 with a Bachelor of Science in public health/nutrition. I am currently a graduate student in the master of nutritional sciences with dietetic internship program, where I am expanding my knowledge and engaging in exciting new opportunities. I have experience in food service, leadership and health promotion programming and would like to pursue all those endeavors professionally. After completing this program, my goal is to become a registered dietitian and work with individuals either through private practice or wellness coaching, as well as working within my community through nutrition education and health promotion. I would even like to create my own cookbook one day, as outside of the classroom I enjoy crafting new recipes. Overall, I want to spread accurate nutrition information that inspires others to develop habits to create healthier lifestyles for themselves.

UNH Graduate Student Cassandra Dolan
Cassandra Dolan

I recently graduated from Queens College in Queens, New York with a bachelor’s degree in nutrition and dietetics. I am currently enrolled in the MSDI program here at UNH to earn my master’s degree in preventative disease nutrition, while acquiring expertise in different aspects of dietetics through the internship portion of my program. I have been lucky enough to gain food service and patient care experience while working as a dietetic technician at St. Francis Hospital and Heart Center in Roslyn, New York. I was responsible for educating patients on their nutrition care plans and delivering their meals in a timely manner. This experience helped to establish my passion for dietetics and understand my professional goals.

After graduating from UNH, I hope to become a registered dietitian and continue my work as a professional within community settings to better the food system experience. I believe that the sustainability and quality of our food matters and should be thought of in all food service settings. Outside of my professional career, I enjoy being with my friends and family, spending time outdoors, practicing yoga and getting creative in the kitchen.

Elise Evans
Elise Evans (MSDI)

I graduated from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2022 with a Bachelor of Science in nutrition within the didactic program in dietetics and a minor in psychology. I am currently completing a master’s in nutritional science and a dietetic internship here at UNH. I’ve known I wanted to go into the field of nutrition since I was in high school but after my experience volunteering with The National Eating Disorder Association and my nutrition counseling class while I was an undergraduate, I knew I was in the right place. After achieving my career goal of becoming a registered dietitian, I would love to work within the field of eating disorder treatment or more generally working with children. In my spare time I love getting outdoors and spending time in nature or learning how to cook a new recipe.

Master of Science in Nutrition student Lillian Huynh. Lillian has light brown skin. Her hair is mostly black. She wears a almond-brown top and black pants.
Lillian Huynh (MSDI)

I graduated from the University of California, Davis with a B.S. in clinical nutrition. Now I am on the East Coast as a graduate student at UNH pursuing a master of nutritional science and dietetic internship. There is never a day when I do not talk about food, so nutrition has always been a passion for me. Since then, I gained bits and pieces of experience in the clinical, food service and community settings. My current goal is to become a registered dietitian and work in a clinical setting. The most rewarding part about clinical is seeing patients leaving healthier than when they came in. In my free time, I enjoy hanging out with my friends and family, as well as trying new food places.

UNH Graduate Student Tony Kyriakides
Anthony Kyriakides

I recently graduated from Johnson & Wales University with a Bachelor of Science in dietetics and applied nutrition. I am now a graduate student in the MSDI program at UNH. Prior to attending grad school, I worked in several resorts and spas in pursuit of culinary nutrition opportunities.  I never thought the kitchen would become an atmosphere I am so fond of, but now I cannot resist it. I always felt that it is important to be able to "talk the talk" in terms of nutrition, but I should also be able to "walk the walk" in the kitchen. This sets up my current goal to become a chef and registered dietitian and teach culinary nutrition. Cooking is a large part of my life, along with working out, spending time with friends and family and especially Star Wars.

Master of Science in Nutrition student Abigail Moser. Abigail has tanned white skin, wears a red floral print top, has long brown hair. She is smiling.
Abby Moser (MSDI)

I graduated from Ashland University in Ashland, Ohio in the spring of 2022 with a Bachelor of Science in dietetics. I decided to come to the University of New Hampshire because of their unique focus on sustainability and health. So far in this program, I have enjoyed furthering my education in sustainability, volunteering for Gather in the Food Repurposing Project kitchen and working as a teaching assistant. After I earn my master’s degree in nutrition and completing my dietetic internship, I would like to become a registered dietitian and get a job in either cardio nutrition or pregnancy nutrition. In my free time I enjoy running, trying new coffee shops and restaurants and spending time with friends and family.

UNH Graduate Student Alanna O'keefe
Alanna O'keefe

I received my Bachelor of Science in nutrition & dietetics and ecogastronomy from the University of New Hampshire in December 2022. I’ve returned to pursue a master’s degree in nutrition and dietetics. My interest in health and wellbeing drove me to study nutrition during my undergraduate years, during which I developed an appreciation for the interconnectivity between our health and our environment. I have clinical experience working as a nutrition assistant at a Dartmouth-affiliated critical access hospital, which gave me the opportunity to work in a patient-facing role. This experience, alongside my current role as a teaching assistant, solidified my interest in delivering nutrition education. I’m passionate about studying sustainability and love exploring how local food production can craft a sense of community as well as regional resiliency within our food system. I aspire to become a clinical dietitian, yet someday I hope to marry my passions for healthcare and sustainability in an educational role. 

Master of Science in Nutrition student Kendra Perry. Kenda has white skin, blondish-brown hair that's cropped above her shoulders. She wears a greyish-white top and has black pants on.
Kendra Perry (MSDI)

I grew up in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina where I earned my undergraduate degree in nutrition and dietetics from Western Carolina University. Since I was young, I always knew that I wanted to help others lead a more healthy and happy life, but I wasn’t sure what that would look like. It took me until my senior year of high school to find the field of dietetics, but I now feel that this is where I belong. I am currently in my first year of the master of nutritional sciences and dietetic internship here at the University of New Hampshire. The program’s focus on sustainability and creating innovative and open-minded professionals in the field of dietetics is what drew me to UNH. In the future, I plan to continue to travel to different areas and eventually take my knowledge and expertise back to my home state of North Carolina. I do not have a specific career path yet, but I have a passion for public outreach education programs, equal food access and infant/maternal health. As a future registered dietitian, I will strive to share my knowledge of the importance of taking care of our bodies from the inside out. I plan to take a holistic approach by appreciating all parts of overall wellness, including mental, physical and emotional health.

Jacob Pottle
Jacob Pottle (MSDI)

I received my B.S. in nutrition: dietetics from the University of New Hampshire and am currently working toward receiving my M.S. in nutritional sciences and completing my dietetic internship. My research involves estimating polyphenol consumption in the U.S. I also enjoy volunteering on campus for the Food Repurposing Project, which cooks and packages food to distribute to the community. 

UNH Graduate Student Aizhe Qian
Aizhe Qian

I recently graduated from The Pennsylvania State University with a bachelor's degree in nutrition and a minor in psychology and I'm currently in the Master of Science in nutrition and dietetics program at UNH with the aspiration of becoming a registered dietitian upon completion of my studies. I look forward to using my knowledge and skills in the field of nutrition to raise nutrition awareness, provide evidence-based nutrition support and services and build a healthier food environment to make a positive impact on people's lives. 

UNH Graduate Student Claire Reilly
Claire Reilly

I recently graduated from Auburn University with a Bachelor of Science in nutrition and dietetics. During undergrad, I explored topics like food insecurity through assisting in research, volunteering at the campus food pantry and repurposing food for my local community. I was drawn to the University of New Hampshire's master's in nutrition and dietetics with internship program due to its unique focus on sustainable food systems, the strong sense of community among the department and the beauty of the New Hampshire seacoast.

My goal is to combine my love for nutrition, food, cooking and the environment to provide hands-on nutrition education to children. I would like to create a nutritional program where children learn to appreciate where our food comes from and what it does for our health, while also learning functional cooking skills to set them up for future success. Outside of nutrition, I love spending time with family, being outdoors and trying new restaurants. 

UNH Graduate Student Kelley Shanahan
Kelley Shanahan

I graduated from Keene State College in 2023 with a Bachelor of Science in public health/nutrition as well as sustainability. I am currently a graduate student in the nutrition and dietetics master’s program here at the University of New Hampshire. During my undergraduate studies, I found my passion for sustainable agriculture and food insecurity and how they are both relate to community nutrition. One of my favorite professional experiences was when I worked with Keene Housing. There, I established a youth gardening program in a low-income neighborhood that taught residents how to grow and cook their own food. Additionally, I was a research assistant for Keene State College, studying food insecurity among college-aged students. One of my professional goals is to become a registered dietitian nutritionist. Even though I am currently more drawn to community nutrition, I am open to any of the areas of the dietetic profession. Outside of this program, I enjoy hiking, farming and cooking.

Master of Science in Nutrition student Maya Stadler. Maya has white skin and brown hair, her hair cropped just below shoulder length. She wears a dark-blue top.
Maya Stadler (MSDI)

I am a recent graduate of Keene State College where I received a Bachelor of Science in public health nutrition through an accelerated undergraduate program. I am currently completing a master's of nutritional science and dietetic internship at UNH. Before starting my internship, I worked as a nutrition assistant at Cheshire Medical Center assisting patients with meal selection based on specialized diets. Additionally, I held a leadership position in the on-campus food pantry at Keene State College, with a mission to eliminate food insecurity in college students. I had the opportunity to shadow a pediatric dietitian at the Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth, where I discovered my interest in pediatric nutrition, as well as pre-natal and post-natal nutrition. Though I am open to many areas of the nutrition field, my professional goal is to become a registered dietitian nutritionist and see where my experiences at UNH take me. Ultimately, I hope to become a certified diabetes educator. Outside of my internship, I enjoy listening to music and spending time outdoors with my family, friends and my two dogs!

Master of Science in Nutrition student Kelli Street. Kelli has tanned white skin. She has brown hair that goes down to her chest. She wears a off-white shirt with a floral print.
Kelli Street (MSDI)

I earned a Bachelor of Science in nutrition: dietetics from the University of New Hampshire and am continuing here in the master of nutritional sciences with dietetic internship program. One of the reasons I chose this program is because it has a focus on sustainability. Not only am I interested in nutrition, but I am also in how to eat more sustainably. My goal after graduation is to become a registered dietitian in the clinical setting but my end goal is to have my own private practice. In my internship, I hope to explore the areas of eating disorders, pediatrics and diabetes. There are so many opportunities as a dietitian, so it is hard to pick one area of focus! I want to help people create healthy relationships with food, so they can eat what they love while feeling their best selves.

Master of Science in Nutrition student Amy Urban. Amy has white skin, long brown hair that reaches to her waist. She wears a purple, pink and green floral printed top. She wears glasses with brown rims.
Amy Urban (MSDI)

I graduated from Kent State University in Kent, Ohio, and earned a Bachelor of Science in nutrition and dietetics. I am currently in the master of nutrition sciences with dietetic internship here at UNH. I was drawn to this program because of its focus on sustainability as well as the unique opportunities offered to us interns. My main goal is to become a registered dietitian. I have many different interests within the field including diabetes education, community outreach and aquaculture sustainability. One day, I would like to start a diabetes education program for low-income people. I would also like to open my own private practice for nutrition counseling. I am very passionate about the happiness and health that we get from food, and I am excited to share that passion.

Master of Science in Nutrition student Lucy Ward. Lucy has tanned white skin. She has brown hair that drapes down her back. She wears a rust-colored top.
Lucy Ward (MSDI)

I graduated from SUNY Plattsburgh with a Bachelor of Science in nutrition on the dietetics track and a minor in chemistry. Before coming to UNH, I spent a few years working at a philanthropic community foundation in the Adirondacks of upstate New York. I worked with their Birth to Three Alliance on grant-funded projects, with the vision to support families with children by ensuring access to services and resources essential for development and distributing of new parent kits. I’m also on the Community Council at the Adirondack Foundation, providing insight on community issues and perspective to the board and staff. After completing the MSDI program, I hope to return to community advocacy, programming and policy as a registered dietician focused on improving food access through sustainable food systems. I'm torn between living in the mountains or near the beach and enjoy reading, swimming, thrift shopping, and cooking.

Master of Science in Nutrition student Tonya Xie. Tonya has tannish-brown skin. She has jet-black hair that falls to her elbows. She wears a blue-and-white floral print top and black pants.

Tonya Xie (MSDI)

I graduated from the University of California, Davis with a Bachelor of Science in clinical nutrition and a minor in Spanish. I am currently pursuing a Master of Science in nutrition science with dietetic internship (MSDI) at UNH to become a registered dietitian. During my undergraduate studies, I got involved in a lot of leadership, volunteering and internship opportunities that got me interested in intuitive eating, cultural humility, food access and how they all intersect with nutrition. Some of my most notable experiences include being a UC Davis food pantry volunteer, food literacy and education intern and a dining services nutrition intern mentored by a registered dietitian, which all led to my interest in community nutrition and education. In addition to dietetics, I love playing guitar, making music with others, hiking and running.

UNH Graduate Student Rawan Alsarraf
Rawan AlsarraF

I earned a bachelor's degree in nutrition and dietetics from Drexel University, followed by a master's degree in nutrition and metabolism from Boston University. Originally, my interests revolved around athletic performance and maximizing an athlete's potential through nutrition. My interests have since expanded to include nutrition epidemiology and public health perspectives regarding nutrition and global health. I am honored to join the Dao Research Lab as a doctoral student in the nutritional sciences program at UNH, in which I hope to research culturally sensitive approaches to nutrition to make achieving health accessible to all. 

In my free time, I enjoy being physically active and connecting with nature. I am a national weightlifter for my country, Kuwait, and spend most of my time training for upcoming competitions or coaching athletes in my sport.

UNH Graduate Student Anne Bodenrader
Anne Bodenrader

I earned my first Bachelor of Arts in English from Dartmouth College in 1995 but it wasn’t until later as a parent that I discovered a passion for nutrition. I returned to the academic world to pursue an education in nutrition science at the University of New Hampshire and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in nutrition: didactic program in dietetics in May 2022. I am continuing my education in pursuit of a doctoral degree in nutritional sciences here at UNH. I work as a research assistant in Sherman Bigornia’s lab investigating the impact of dairy fats on cognitive function in the Hispanic community and serve as a teaching assistant in the nutrition department. I hope to continue pursuing and contributing to the research and education fields in nutritional sciences for many years to come.

Master of Science in Nutrition student Brandy Moser. Brandy has white skin and long blonde hair that nearly reaches her waist. She wears a dark green top.
Brandy Moser

I graduated from Boston University with a Bachelor of Science in nutrition, a Bachelor of Arts in biochemistry and molecular biology, and a minor in public health. With 5 years of organic farming experience, I felt the interdisciplinary nature of the ANFS department at UNH would be the perfect fit. I am currently pursuing a doctoral degree in nutritional science and completing the dietetics graduate certificate. My research in the Dao lab is focused on analyzing fiber intake, the human microbiome and the gut-brain axis. When I am not at UNH you’ll find me hiking, cooking or on a farm.

Cindy Zheng

I grew up in China, and I hold a master’s in nutrition and exercise physiology from Teachers College, Columbia University. In 2022, I completed my 10-month dietetic internship in New York City and becomes a registered dietitian (RD). My academic interests lie in food insecurity, nutrition/food equity and food system transformation. I am excited to join Analena Bruce’s Food Systems Lab and receive interdisciplinary training at UNH. My previous work experience includes China Action Hub of the United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) 2021, online nutrition course design and food system course design for middle school students in Beijing. In my spare time, I love cooking from scratch (and sharing!), hosting my podcast in Mandarin and yoga.