CHANAS is a wonderful venue for those interested in undergraduate and graduate research projects. Each semester UNH students work as research assistants for the project and, in the process, gain valuable research and clinical skills.

We are proud to be the first event in Area I to offer an INTERCOLLEGIATE TEAM CHALLENGE. This competition is open to ANY current college student competing at ANY level.

- Intercollegiate Dressage Association (IDA) Team
- Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) Team

As the university's original research organization, the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station is a world-class research facility that has remained an elemental component of New Hampshire's land-grant university heritage and mission since 1887. We steward federal and state funding to provide unbiased and objective research on diverse aspects of sustainable agriculture and foods, horticulture, forest management and related wildlife, the environment, natural resources, and quality of life topics. Our scientists manage more than 50 research projects at any one time, partner with state and regional farmers, growers, and producers, and collaborate with leading researchers worldwide to directly benefit New Hampshire and New England.

Therapeutic Riding is a mode of therapy utilizing functional riding skills, equine movement and a variety of therapy activities to achieve specific cognitive, physical and emotional goals. The UNH Therapeutic Riding Program adapts equine activities to allow for participation of riders over the age of 5 with cognitive, physical and emotional challenges.

Extension specialists use trusted research-based information to give New Hampshire farmers, businesses and citizens the tools they need to succeed. We provide a wide-range of resources, including workshops, fact sheets, programs, on-site consultations and comprehensive pest, plant and soil diagnostics.

The Sustainability Institute’s mission is to be a catalyst, convener, and champion of sustainability ideas and actions across and beyond the University of New Hampshire. The institute fosters a culture of sustainability that permeates the civic, professional, and personal lives of members of the UNH community.