Forestry Major (B.S.F.)

Forestry Major (B.S.F.)
Students walking in woods

About the Forestry major at UNH

The Forestry major at UNH offers you a comprehensive understanding of forest ecosystems, sustainable management practices, and conservation strategies. You will learn to balance ecological health with economic needs, ensuring sustainable use of forest resources and gain the knowledge and skills needed to protect and manage vital forest ecosystems effectively. This major appeals to those passionate about nature, outdoor work and environmental stewardship and is ideal for students who enjoy science, problem-solving and working in natural settings.

What is forestry?

Forestry is the art and science of managing and conserving forests. Our interdisciplinary forestry degree program focuses on sustainable management of forests for productivity, health and biodiversity. Forestry graduates help answer major environmental challenges involving climate change, sustainable development, resource management and biodiversity protection. They also work to protect and restore forest ecosystems, assure a sustainable supply of forest products, provide wildlife habitat and recreational opportunities and care for soil and water resources.

Why study forestry at UNH?

The bachelor of science in forestry at UNH is a professional degree accredited by the Society of American Foresters and is one of four accredited undergraduate forestry programs in New England. Located in second-most forested state in the U.S., UNH is the perfect location to study forestry. Our program emphasizes hands-on experience through intensive lab and fieldwork in university woodlands and in the White Mountain National Forest. Students are encouraged to participate in faculty research projects and UNH’s EcoQuest study-abroad program in New Zealand.

Potential careers

  • Education and outreach
  • Forest and conservation management
  • Forest policy advocacy
  • Forestry consulting
  • Forestry operations
  • Geospatial analysis
  • Research
  • Research Technician
  • Surveying
  • Urban forestry

Forest Ecosystem Health
Phone: (603) 862-2094
Office: Natural Resources & the Environment, James Hall Rm 162, Durham, NH 03824
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    Monitoring Health of a Native Tree Targeted by Two Non-Native Insects
    Luke Nugent ’26 is a forestry major from North Haven, Connecticut. He is currently conducting research on two non-native insects threatening eastern hemlock trees, which are native to eastern North America, and are widespread in the Northeastern U.S. COLSA: Tell us about your research in as…
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    Nicolas Forestell is a double major in forestry and French who is working in Professor Heidi Asbjornsen's Ecohydology Lab.
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  • EcoQuest
    Hands-on environmental studies for U.S. students
    Ecology, sustainability, and environmental science were the focus of a special visit by EcoQuest’s international students to the Ramsar wetland at Pūkorokoro Miranda on 28 October 2022.
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  • UNH Assistant Professor Jeff Garnas
    Protecting Forests on an Interconnected and Changing Planet
    Jeff Garnas says that the planet's forests face serious problems due to climate change and a global trade system that make possible the spread of insects and pathogens.
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  • Steve Roberge
    2020 Educator of the Year
    COLSA alumnus Steve Roberge '03 has been named 2020 "Educator of the Year" by Cheshire County Conservation District in New Hampshire. This award recognizes his efforts to steward a conservation ethic and awareness through his personal and professional work.
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Curriculum & Requirements

Forestry is an interdisciplinary profession, embracing the sustainable management of forest ecosystems for productivity, biodiversity, and health.  The Forestry program’s goals are to provide a solid professional preparation with a strong field component, founded in a broad general education, and with the flexibility to allow students to pursue special abilities and interests.  The Bachelor of Science in Forestry (B.S.F.) degree is accredited by the Society of American Foresters.

Forestry graduates help manage and conserve public and private forests, addressing major environmental challenges including climate change, biodiversity protection, and sustainable resource management.  They use science, planning, and geospatial technology to protect and restore forest ecosystems, ensure a sustainable forest product industry, provide wildlife habitat and recreational opportunities, and conserve soils and watersheds.

Program Mission, Goals and Objectives

The mission of UNH’s Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, of which the Forestry Program is an integral part, is to serve as an educational center for the scholarly study of environmental and social sciences, and their application to the policy and management of natural resources from local to global scales.  This is accomplished through education, research and outreach.  This mission reflects UNH’s larger mission to provide comprehensive, high-quality undergraduate programs and graduate programs of distinction, including a strong commitment to serving the public good and promoting the excitement of discovery among faculty and students.

The goal of the Forestry Program is to train natural resource professionals to sustainably manage forested landscapes for diverse objectives and in ways that balance changing social, cultural, economic, and environmental interests and priorities.

Our educational objectives are to:

  1. Develop a strong knowledge base about the ecology and dynamics of forest ecosystems, including interactions between trees, wildlife, insects, soils, water, humans, and other ecosystem components.
  2. Understand how different policies and management decisions affect forest dynamics over short to long time scales, and on different spatial scales.
  3. Cultivate the necessary skills to manage forests for diverse objectives and to assess, respect, and balance the interests of different groups to achieve societal benefits.
  4. Be able to critically evaluate scientific information and integrate this with professional experience and changing societal values to support adaptive management of forest resources.

Sample Course Sequence for Forestry

Plan of Study Grid
First YearCredits
BIOL 528 Applied Biostatistics I 4
ENGL 401 First-Year Writing 4
Select one of the following: 4
Calculus for Life Sciences  
MATH 420
Finite Mathematics  
MATH 425
Calculus I  
NR 415 Natural Resources Field Methods 2
NR 425 Field Dendrology 4
NR 433 Wildlife Ecology 4
BIOL 409
or BIOL 412
Green Life: Introducing the Botanical Sciences
or Introductory Biology: Evolution, Biodiversity and Ecology
Discovery Elective (FPA, HP, ETS, HUM, or WC) 4
Discovery Elective (FPA, HP, ETS, HUM, or WC) 4
Second Year
CHEM 403
or CHEM 411
or PHYS 401
General Chemistry I
or Introductory Chemistry for Life Sciences
or Introduction to Physics I
EREC 411
or ECON 402
Environmental and Resource Economics Perspectives
or Principles of Economics (Micro)
NR 501 Studio Soils 4
NR 504 Freshwater Resources 4
NR #506 Forest Entomology 4
NR 527 Forest Ecology 4
NR 600 Work Experience 0
Oral Communications Skills Course 4
Discovery Elective (FPA, HP, HUM, ETS, or WC) 4
Third Year
NR 602 Natural Resources and Environmental Policy 4
NR 643 Economics of Forestry 4
NR 658 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 4
FORT 579 Wildland Fire Ecology and Management 4
NR 729 Silviculture 4
NR 757 Remote Sensing of the Environment 4
NR 782
or SAFS 651
Forest Health in a Changing World
or Plant Pathology
Discovery elective (FPA, HP, HUM, ETS, or WC) 4
Fourth Year
NR 745 Forest Management 4
NR 749 Forest Inventory and Modeling 4
Select one of the following: 4
RMP 711
Recreation Resource Management  
TOUR 767
Social Impact Assessment  
RMP 511
Issues of Wilderness and Nature in American Society  
Discovery elective (FPA, HP, HUM, ETS, or WC) 4
Elective 4
Elective 4
Elective 4
Elective 4
 Total Credits130

All forestry majors must satisfy the B.S.F. requirements and all Discovery Program requirements. Students must satisfy the Inquiry requirement of the Discovery Program by completing an Inquiry or Inquiry-attribute course. Seniors must also satisfy the capstone experience requirement of the Discovery Program. The capstone explores areas of interest based on the integration of prior learning. The capstone requirement may be satisfied through a course (NR 745 Forest Management), created work or product, or some form of experiential learning (e.g., honors thesis, mentored research project, and other special student activity). Departments are responsible for certifying that graduating seniors have met the capstone requirement for their majors.

Degree Requirements

Minimum Credit Requirement: 128 credits
Minimum Residency Requirement: 32 credits must be taken at UNH
Minimum GPA: 2.0 required for conferral*
Core Curriculum Required: Discovery & Writing Program Requirements
Foreign Language Requirement: No

All Major, Option and Elective Requirements as indicated.
*Major GPA requirements as indicated.

Major Requirements

BIOL 528Applied Biostatistics I4
MATH 424BCalculus for Life Sciences4
or MATH 420 Finite Mathematics
or MATH 425 Calculus I
NR 415Natural Resources Field Methods2
NR 425Field Dendrology4
NR 433Wildlife Ecology0 or 4
BIOL 409Green Life: Introducing the Botanical Sciences4
or BIOL 412 Introductory Biology: Evolution, Biodiversity and Ecology
CHEM 403General Chemistry I0-4
or CHEM 411 Introductory Chemistry for Life Sciences
or PHYS 401 Introduction to Physics I
EREC 411Environmental and Resource Economics Perspectives4
or ECON 402 Principles of Economics (Micro)
NR 501Studio Soils4
NR 504Freshwater Resources4
NR #506Forest Entomology4
NR 527Forest Ecology4
NR 600Work Experience0
CMN 500Public Speaking4
or THDA 522 Storytelling, Story Theatre, and Involvement Dramatics
NR 602Natural Resources and Environmental Policy4
NR 643Economics of Forestry4
NR 658Introduction to Geographic Information Systems4
FORT 579Wildland Fire Ecology and Management4
NR 729Silviculture4
NR 757Remote Sensing of the Environment4
NR 782Forest Health in a Changing World4
or SAFS 651 Plant Pathology
NR 745Forest Management4
NR 749Forest Inventory and Modeling4
RMP 711Recreation Resource Management4
or TOUR 767 Social Impact Assessment
or RMP 511 Issues of Wilderness and Nature in American Society
Total Credits82-90

  • Identify the major species of plants and wildlife and their distribution and habitat requirements.
  • Understand the ecological concepts related to the structure, composition, and dynamics of forest ecosystems, including succession, competition, productivity, nutrient cycling, stand development, and wildlife populations.
  • Understand soil properties, hydrology, water resources, and watershed functions.
  • Understand how forest health and dynamics are impacted by different human and natural disturbances, including pests and diseases, climate change, pollutants, extreme climate events, management interventions.
  • Design and conduct forest inventories using appropriate sampling methods and units of measurement.
  • Analyze and interpret forest inventory data, and to use the information to project future forest stand development processes and tree conditions.
  • Ability to use a variety of spatial analysis tools to assess landscape scale characteristics and produce maps of forest resources distribution.
  • Explain forest development trajectories in both written and oral form and apply appropriate computer models and assessment techniques. 
  • Understand forest policy and the processes that influence policy development.
  • Understand and apply economic principles to assessing the financial opportunities and risks of forestry operations.
  • Understand how federal, state, and local laws and regulations govern the practice of forestry.
  • Understand the administration, ownership, and organization of forest management enterprises.
  • Integrate and effectively communicate the technical, financial, human resources, and legal aspects of administering public and private enterprises.
  • Develop management plans that effectively integrate and balance multiple landowner (or stakeholder/societal) objectives and the ecological conditions and constraints of the biophysical system.  
  • Analyze the economic, environmental and social consequences of forest resource management strategies and decisions, and to evaluate their tradeoffs.
  • Apply appropriate decision-making tools and techniques to evaluate alternative forest management practices and plans.
  • Demonstrate effective problem-solving and teamwork skills, professional and ethical conduct, and respect for diverse values and interests.
  • Describe and explain to different audiences in both written and oral form alternative options for managing forest resources to achieve multiple objectives.

Explore Program Details

The Bachelor of Science in Forestry (BSF) Program prepares students to address major environmental challenges including sustainable resource management, biodiversity protection, climate change, recreation opportunities, wildlife habitat, and soil and water conservation through the management and conservation of public and private forests.  Our BSF program provides a strong professional foundation with extensive field experiences and a broad general education spanning the biological, physical, economic, and social disciplines that allows students to pursue their special abilities and interests.   UNH’s BSF degree is accredited by the Society of American Foresters.  

The objectives of the Forestry Program are to:  (1) educate professional foresters in a SAF accredited Bachelor of Science in Forestry program oriented toward the practice of forestry in New Hampshire and the Northeast, but broad enough in scope to provide a BSF graduate background in national and international forestry practice, issues and problems; (2) provide opportunities for advanced education in forestry through integration with our Master of Science in Forestry Program and the University-wide PhD program in Natural Resources and Earth Systems Science; (3) conduct forest research required to advance the practice and study of sustainable forestry within New Hampshire, the Northeast, the United States, and the world; and (4) actively assist in the extension mission of the University.  

Information about the types of careers and continuing educational opportunities that UNH Forestry graduates have pursued are presented in UNH’s First Destination Survey.

In what Department and College does the Forestry major reside?

The Forestry major is part of the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment in the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture (COLSA) at UNH.

What is Forestry?

Forestry is the art and science of managing and conserving forests. Our interdisciplinary forestry degree program focuses on sustainable management of forests for productivity, health and biodiversity. Forestry graduates help answer major environmental challenges involving climate change, sustainable development, resource management and biodiversity protection. They also work to protect and restore forest ecosystems, assure a sustainable supply of forest products, provide wildlife habitat and recreational opportunities and care for soil and water resources.

Why should I major in Forestry?

The Bachelor of Science in Forestry at UNH is a professional degree accredited by the Society of American Foresters and is one of only four accredited undergraduate forestry programs in New England. Located in the second-most forested state in the U.S., UNH is in the perfect location to study forestry. Our program emphasizes hands-on experience through intensive lab and fieldwork in university woodlands and in the White Mountain National Forest. Students are encouraged to participate in faculty research projects and UNH’s EcoQuest: Ecology in Action study abroad program in New Zealand.

What is required in the Forestry major?

The ECS major has 17 core requirements (courses) that are a combination of (1) some foundational courses, (2) some natural science courses, (3) some social science courses, and (4) some skills and tools courses. Examples of core forestry courses include field dendrology, wildlife ecology, forest ecology, silviculture, forest health, natural resource and environmental policy, forest economics, forest entomology, forest inventory and modeling, and recreation resource management.

There are also 4 elective courses that students can choose depending on their particular interests. A senior capstone course “Forest Management” is taken during the student’s senior year (every major at UNH has some capstone experience) and a practicum/internship is completed during the student’s junior or senior year. Finally, all UNH students must complete the university Discovery requirements (i.e., General Education).

How does a student decide on what classes to take?

Each student is assigned a faculty advisor who helps each student to select the right courses each semester to progress towards graduation.

What kind of jobs do Forestry students get?

There are a wide variety of jobs that students graduating with a forestry degree get. Some of the primary career paths include jobs in forest management, forestry consulting, environmental education, natural resource conservation, forest surveying, urban forestry, recreation management, and geospatial analysis. These opportunities are associated with different sectors, including private companies, federal and state agencies, and non-governmental organizations.

Some students get job offers from employers they have worked for during the summer. Many go on to short-time, paid internships to build their resume. Some students also go on to graduate school to continue their education in Forestry or other related fields.

Rigorous academic pursuit and hands-on learning from the mountains to the sea. Full immersion learning at a diversity of sites in the North and South Islands.


Xi Sigma Pi is facilitated through the UNH NREN department. Its goal is to unite likeminded individuals through service and fraternal spirit through a shared enjoyment of the environment. In addition, members receive recognition for their service by earning a cord to wear during graduation. Opportunities to take up leadership roles and give back to the NREN department are abundant.

XI SIGMA PI NREN Honor Society

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Undergraduate student on campus
A view of T-Hall on the UNH campus.
A female student at UNH gets help on her resume