Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems Field Experience

Experiential learning is an important part of the SAFS major. There is no better way to learn about agricultural and food systems than by directly learning by doing.

Internships and Field Experience Opportunities

SAFS students are encouraged to take advantage of courses that provide University credit for learning that takes place in the workplace. Examples of these courses are SAFS 600 (Field Experience in Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems), PBIO 600 (Field Experience in Horticulture/Plant Biology), ANSC 600 (Field Experience in Animal Science), NUTR 600 (Field Experience in Nutrition), and other internship courses. Talk to your advisor to learn more!


CREAM (Cooperative Real Education in Agricultural Management) is a student-run cooperative in which 25-30 UNH students, with the help of advisors, operate and manage a small business. CREAM is a year-long two-semester course (8 CR). This business is a 25-30 cow registered Holstein dairy herd. The student group running the business changes completely in the fall semester of each year. The herd is passed on to the next group with the help of a transition team of student advisors, as well as dairy center personnel and faculty advisors. Cooperatively running this dairy business with other students encourages each member to develop, personally, their leadership, communication and group skills and may well be the most important benefit derived from being a CREAMer.

Learn more about CREAM.

Team Experience in Agroecosystem Management - TEAM Organic

TEAM-Organic is a brand-new full year experiential course that takes place at the Organic Dairy Research Farm in Lee, NH.  Students work together in the operation of the COLSA/ NHAES Organic Dairy Research Farm building on agro-ecology and sustainable agriculture principles.   Students explore organic dairy farming methods, marketing and development of value-added strategies, business and human resource management, woodland management, water quality, land use, composting, nutrient management, pasture productivity, complimentary animal production systems, and soils and post-harvest management.

More Experiential Courses coming soon...

Additional experiential courses are in various stages of development... Stay tuned for more information - or email and ask to receive email updates about new courses and other relevant info about the major.

Study Abroad

Studying abroad is a great way to get exposure to other types of agriculture and food systems. The UNH Center for International Education in Hood House helps students connect with study abroad opportunities that fit their interests.

UNH Organic Garden Club

The UNH Organic Garden Club (OGC) is a student-run organization established in 2003 to cultivate a campus-community organic farm focused on promoting social, economic, and environmental sustainability.

UNH Organic Garden Club