Geospatial Analysis (Minor)

Geospatial Analysis (Minor)
Geospatial Analysis

The Geospatial Analysis minor at UNH strengthens your ability to analyze and visualize geographic data, critical in fields like urban planning, environmental conservation and public policy.  This minor can significantly enhance your employability and expertise, preparing you for diverse roles that rely on geographic insights. 

What is geospatial analysis?

The interdisciplinary geospatial analysis minor will introduce you to the theoretical and applied information and technologies for understanding diverse cultures and physical landscapes of the earth. You’ll explore statistics, ecology, geography and anthropology. You’ll learn about the remote sensing, digital image processing, surveying, mapping and geographic information systems used for measurement, observation and analysis. You’ll study the economic and ecological data modeling and structures needed for decision-making. You can combine this minor with a major such as international affairs, geography, environmental sciences or a foreign language to prepare fora wide variety of opportunities in government agencies, business, research and education.

Why study geospatial analysis at UNH?

The U.S. Department of Labor has predicted that geospatial jobs will be one of the fastest growing sectors in the future, giving students with a background in this area a wide variety of opportunities. UNH is a recognized leader in environmental sciences research, and you’ll benefit from the significant depth and breadth of faculty expertise. Take advantage of the study abroad program in Belize, where you’ll get hands-on experience in archeological survey and mapping. Students are encouraged to participate in faculty research projects, and many graduates continue to master’s and doctoral programs.

Potential career areas

  • Cartography
  • Foreign area offices
  • Geography
  • GIS analysis
  • Intelligence offices
  • International affairs
  • State departments
  • Surveying
  • Web development
Phone: (603) 862-4429
Office: Natural Resources & the Environment, James Hall Rm 114A, Durham, NH 03824

Curriculum & Requirements

The geospatial analysis minor is designed for students who wish to have more learning and experience using the tools of geospatial analysis such as statistics, aerial photography, satellite imagery, and geographic information systems (GIS) as they relate to their chosen field of study.

Students with questions about the minor or who would like more information should contact Dr. Russell G. Congalton in the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, (603) 862-4644.

Students must complete a total of 20 credits. A grade of C- or better is required in each minor course and no course can be taken pass/fail. A total of not more than 8 credits from the student's major requirements can be counted toward the minor. 

Basic Statistics
Select one of the following:4
BIOL 528
Applied Biostatistics I
PSYC 402
Statistics in Psychology
SOC 402
Other basic statistics course as approved by minor advisor
Introductory/Field/or Overview
Select one of the following:4
CEE 404
Surveying and Mapping
NR 415
Natural Resources Field Methods
NR #603
Landscape Ecology
NR 615
Wildlife Habitats
NR 642
Introduction to Biogeography
GEOG #590
Field Research
GEOG 591
Making Maps: GIS Fundamentals
NR 757
Remote Sensing of the Environment
ANTH 674
Archaeological Survey and Mapping in Belize
NR 795
Investigations (Field Methods in GIS)
Select one of the following:4
NR 658
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
NR 760
Geographic Information Systems in Natural Resources
CEE 796
Special Topics (GIS in Water Resources)
FORT 581
Applied Geospatial Techniques
ESCI 777
GIS for Earth & Environmental Sciences
Remote Sensing
Select one of the following:4
NR 757
Remote Sensing of the Environment
NR 759
Digital Image Processing for Natural Resources
ESCI 778
Remote Sensing Earth & Environmental Sciences
Advanced Analysis
Select one of the following:4
NR 707
Environmental Modeling
NR 713
Quantitative Ecology
NR 740
Inventory and Monitoring of Ecological Communities
NR 749
Forest Inventory and Modeling
NR 782
Forest Health in a Changing World
Total Credits20

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