For Researchers

For Researchers
Researchers on a weather tower at Thompson Forest

Supporting innovative, impactful, locally inspired research is the key mission of the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station. The Station helps steward publicly allocated federal and state funds to ensure that the research conducted as part of NHAES helps significantly move forward agricultural, food, and natural resource scientific knowledge to sustain the economic, societal, and environmental vitality. 

For future and current researchers interested in knowing more about the types of research funding available, please visit the NHAES Project Types page. We have also recently updated the description and requirements of the NHAES Foundational Program, and invite all those interested in applying for an NHAES Foundational Program project to first familiarize yourself with those details. We also invite and welcome all new faculty to join our on-boarding series, which provides in-depth details and expert reflections on developing, executing, reporting on, and leveraging an NHAES project. 

Current researchers seeking information about additional competitive resources available after initiating an NHAES project—including GRA assistantships, support for peer-reviewed publication fees, and the 1890/1994 partnership program—please visit the NHAES Assistantship page. We have also developed a number of NHAES-branded PowerPoint and Word templates that we encourage our current scientists to use when presenting their NHAES-funded research. Lastly, we continue to assemble a listing of external funding opportunities that can align with ongoing NHAES-funded projects.

Thank you for your continued support and contributions to the NHAES research and engagement missions!