Welcome to your NH Agricultural Experiment Station (NHAES), a part of the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture (COLSA) at the University of New Hampshire! It is my privilege to help lead New Hampshire's public research and development agency for agricultural, food, natural resource, and environmental issues that affect every Granite Stater.
Created in 1887, the Station has a rich history of contributing to the integrated missions of the New Hampshire land-grant university system: developing innovative and impactful scientific discoveries, supporting transformational training for the next generation of scientists and New Hampshire workforce, and engaging with our diverse stakeholders to share knowledge and learn about emerging issues.
Research, outreach, and engagement activities are conducted by scientists across multiple disciplines and range from the most foundational to the highly applied. These efforts are supported by multiple NHAES field facilities, which offer the tools and instrumentation to conduct state-of-the-art research to inform the efficient, economically resilient, and environmentally sustainable management of food, forest, aquaculture, and farming systems in New Hampshire and beyond.
I encourage you to become more familiar with your Agricultural Experiment Station and to sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on our research and outreach efforts. Finally, I invite your feedback, questions, and suggestions, which will help better align our research and engagement efforts to the benefit New Hampshire's communities.
Dr. Anton Bekkerman
Locally Inspired. Globally Important.