Forestry (Minor)

Forestry (Minor)

The Forestry minor at UNH builds your practical skills in forest management and conservation. It enhances your career prospects in environmental science, wildlife management and sustainable industries by providing specialized knowledge in ecosystem dynamics, resource management and conservation practices crucial for today's environmental challenges. 

What is forestry?

Forestry is the art and science of managing and conserving forests.The forestry minor introduces you to the sustainable management of forests for productivity, health and biodiversity. You’ll learn about forest ecology, inventory and modeling, and have the opportunity to study the economics and management of forests, watershed water quality, geographic information systems and remote sensing. Combine this minor with a major such as business, environmental studies, biology, wildlife and conservation biology, or recreation management and administration to prepare for forestry-related careers in business, industry or government.

Why study forestry at UNH?

Located in second-most forested state in the U.S., UNH is the perfect location to study forestry. Our nationally accredited program emphasizes hands-on experience through intensive lab and fieldwork in university woodlands and in the White Mountain National Forest. You’ll be encouraged to participate in faculty research projects and UNH’s EcoQuest study-abroad program in New Zealand.You’ll also have the opportunity to join the UNH Forestry Club, Xi Sigma Pi Natural Resources Honor Society and the UNH Woodsmen Team.

Potential career areas

  • Business management
  • Education and outreach
  • Forest and conservation management
  • Forestry consulting
  • Forestry operations
  • Geospatial analysis
  • Outdoor recreation management
  • Research
  • State or national parks management
  • Surveying
  • Urban forestry
  • Wildlife management
Forest Ecosystem Health
Phone: (603) 862-2094
Office: Natural Resources & the Environment, James Hall Rm 162, Durham, NH 03824

Curriculum & Requirements

The minor in Forestry serves as a concentrated study, beyond a student's primary major, that allows students to explore their interest in forest ecology and management, and to build skills that can help launch a career in forest conservation.

Students interested in a minor in Forestry must complete a minimum of 5 courses and 20 credits with a grade of C- or better. Pass/Fail courses may not be used for the minor. Up to 8 credits can be used to satisfy both major and minor requirements. 

Required Courses
NR 425Field Dendrology4
NR 527Forest Ecology4
Select one course from the following:4
NR 749
Forest Inventory and Modeling
NR 757
Remote Sensing of the Environment
Select one course from the following:4
NR 729
NR 745
Forest Management
Select one of the following or one of the alternative courses from above:4
NR #506
Forest Entomology
NR #603
Landscape Ecology
NR 643
Economics of Forestry
NR 658
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
NR 703
Watershed Water Quality Management
NR 734
Tropical Ecology
NR 765
Community Ecology
NR 782
Forest Health in a Changing World
Total Credits20

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