Graduate Student Seminar Series
Join in person
The Department of Biological Sciences (DBS), COLSA, is preparing to begin its Spring Seminar Series. Graduate Students will present a short talk on their research. The Series will be held in person in Spaulding Hall, room G47 from 1:00 pm-2:00pm. Please see here for list of speakers. Please join us in supporting our Seminar Series.
Graduate Student Spring Seminar Series
February 13
Drew Villeneuve Predicting organismal response to marine heatwaves using thermal tolerance landscape models
Aliya Caldwell Common terns as predictors of fisheries conditions: untangling space, time, and prey
February 27
Sidney Axtell Assessing movement and feeding of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in relation to environmental conditions and measures of marine biodiversity
Faith Frings Characterizing Biology students' mindsets and task values towards R programming
March 13
Miguel de Jesus Gomez Garcia Gossip, Math and Sharks: Evolving Elasmobranch Networks in an Island Community
Jill Munger Echoes of Resilience: Revealing Mangrove Community Structure Through Sound
March 27
Sandesh Lamichhane Dietary Overlap Between Snow Leopards and Himalayan Wolves in the High Mountains of Nepal
Marjorie Mednikova Influence of sediment and bivalve addition on microbial communities and salt marsh resilience
March 10
Mikayla Cote Size-fractionated rates of microzooplankton grazing and transparent exopolymer particle (TEP) production in the California Current Ecosystem
Alyssa Strickland Genomics of Eastern Oysters in Great Bay Estuary
April 24
Camryn Berry Understanding Pain in Fibrous Dysplasia: A Patient-Scientist Perspective
Alex Sangermano Monitoring mangrove habitats in Jobos Bay, Puerto Rico
Please join us on Thursdays from 1-2 pm in Spaulding G47
Light refreshments will be served