Marine Immersion Course (MEFB 410)

  • Interested in a Career in the Life Sciences

Marine Immersion (MEFB 410) filling up for 2024: please contact Prof. Bolker ASAP if you are interested. Please email Professor Bolker ( if you are an incoming UNH freshman who would like to be added to the waiting list.

Marine Immersion is an intensive 2-credit course for incoming UNH freshmen, surveying a range of marine-related fields (with an emphasis on biology and ecology), research approaches, and organisms. The class will introduce students to the breadth, excitement, and challenges of marine sciences through lectures, demonstrations, and field experiencesoffered by UNH and guest faculty and through short research projects carried out at the Shoals Marine Laboratory, where the course is held. This course is designed for incoming college freshmen – especially, but not exclusively, for Marine/Estuarine/Freshwater Biology, General Biology, Zoology, and related majors. In addition to marine sciences, you’ll get an introduction to undergraduate life and research, and practice some of the skills - from writing to time management to talking with professors - that will help you make the most of your college experience.

The Shoals Marine Laboratory, operated jointly by Cornell University and UNH, is dedicated to undergraduate research and education. SML is located on Appledore Island, 10 miles off the coast of New Hampshire; it has modern dormitory, dining, and research facilities. Students and faculty will be in residence on the island during the course (round-trip boat transportation from Portsmouth, NH is included in the course fee).


Jessica Bolker
Professor of Biological Sciences
Phone: (603) 862-0071

Program Dates

August 11-18, 2025

Who can apply

Incoming first-year students are eligible. To apply, contact Professor Bolker, above.

Program costs

2025 cost NH residents: TBD
2025 cost  Non-residents: TBD