Uptake and bioaccumulation of PFAS and precursor compounds in lake food webs

Project Number: NH_2022_Chen

Start Date: 2022-12-01 End Date: 2025-11-30

Principle Investigators:

Celia Chen (Dartmouth College)
Kathryn Crawford (Middlebury College)
Vivien Taylor (Dartmouth College)
Jon Petali (New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services)
Tom Holson (Clarkson University)
Sujan Fernando (Clarkson University)


This proposed multi-year study aims to investigate the patterns and profiles of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in lake ecosystems and the processes by which PFAS are bioaccumulated through freshwater food webs. Lakes can receive PFAS from nonpoint source contamination, and from discharge from landfills, wastewater treatment plants, firefighting activities, and industrial sites. Some PFAS can reach levels in fish that pose a threat to humans and wildlife, though the mechanisms by which PFAS bioaccumulate from water and sediment through aquatic food webs are not well understood. This research will build on a framework of recent and underway studies in New Hampshire (NH) lakes that monitor concentrations of PFAS in fish and in loon eggs. Our study will focus on six of these lakes, where we will determine concentrations of 40 PFAS compounds in sediments, water, and benthic and pelagic organisms. The objectives of this work are to I) Assess the profiles and concentrations of PFAS including precursor and terminal compounds in abiotic compartments (sediment, suspended particulates, and water column) of NH lakes; 2) Evaluate concentrations and profiles of PFAS, including key terminal and precursor compounds, in benthic and pelagic organisms from NH lakes, and relate concentrations of PFAS in biota to local abiotic factors; and 3) Conduct laboratory microcosm experiments and non-targeted PFAS analyses on select field samples to elucidate the roles of bioconcentration, trophic transfer, and biotransformation on bioaccumulation of key PFAS. We will collaborate closely with our expert partners at the USGS New England Water Science Center and the NH Department of Environmental Services (NHDES), to increase understanding of PFAS exposure to humans and wildlife via aquatic food webs. This work will fill important gaps in understanding bioaccumulation mechanisms and establishing bioaccumulation factors critical to risk assessment and to advancing scientific knowledge of these widespread contaminants.