Current Members
Name | Title | Contact Info |
Adam Wymore |
Miguel Leon |
Data Manager |
Bill McDowell |
Jody Potter |
Analytical Instrumentation Scientist III |
Michelle Shattuck |
Research Scientist II |
Ph.D. University of New Hampshire, 2000
Research Focus at UNH:
My dissertation sought to identify the sources and fates of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen. Fieldwork at UNH was primarily at Harvard Forest LTER.
Current Position and Contact Information:
Selected Publications:
Basatnia N., Hossein SA., Rodrigo-Comino J., Khaledian Y., Brevik EC., Aitkenhead-Peterson JA., Natesan U. (2018). Assessment of temporal and spatial water quality in international Gomishan Lagoon, Iran, using multivariate analysis. Environ. Monit. Assess. 190: 314.
Berube M., Jewell K., Knappett P S., Shuar P., Datta S., Hossain A., Lipsi M., Hossain S., Hossain A., Dimova N., Aitkenhead-Peterson J A., and Ahmed A M. (2018).The fate of Arsenic in groundwater discharged to the Meghna River, Bangladesh. (in press). Environ Chem.
Nagaraju A., Thejaswi, A., Aitkenhead-Peterson, JA. (2017) Fluoride and heavy metal accumulation by vegetation in the fluoride affected area of Talupula, Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 89(1): 1-11.
Khaledian Y., Kiani F, Ebrahimi, S., Brevik EC., and Aitkenhead-Peterson JA (2017) Assessment and monitoring of soil degradation during land use change using multivariate analysis. Land Degradation and Development. DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2541.
Fontanier C., Wherley B., White R., Aitkenhead-Peterson J., Chalmers D. (2017). Historical ETo – based Irrigation Scheduling for St. Augustinegrass Lawns in the South-Central United States. Irrigation Science 35(4): 347-356. DOI: 10.1007/s00271-017-0544-x.
Fontanier C., Aitkenhead-Peterson JA., Wherley B., White R., Thomas J. (2017), Deficit irrigation effects on NO3-N losses in runoff from St. Augustinegrass. J. Environmental Qual. 46(4): 793-801.
Fancher JP., Aitkenhead-Peterson JA., Farris T., Mix K., Schwab AP., Wescott D., Hamilton M. (2017) Soil chemistry of cadaver decomposition islands in a clayey soil. Forensic Science International. , 279, 130-139.
Gregory LF., Karthikeyan R., Aitkenhead-Peterson JA., Gentry TJ., Wagner KL., Harmel DR. (2018) Nutrient Loading Impacts on Culturable E. coli and other Heterotrophic Bacteria Fate in Simulated Stream Mesocosms. Water Research 126: 442-449.
Alexander MB., Hodges TK., Wescott DJ., Aitkenhead-Peterson JA. (2016). The Effects of Soil Texture on the Ability of Human Remains Detection Dogs to Detect Buried Human Remains. J. Forensic Science, 61(3): 649-655.
Aitkenhead-Peterson JA., Steele MK. (2016) DOC and DON exports upstream and downstream of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metropolis, Texas, USA. Invited Paper, Marine and Freshwater Research 67(9): 1326-1337.
M.S. Environmental Science and Policy, Plymouth State University
B.S. Chemistry, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Research Focus at UNH:
Acid Rain: Evaluating long-term trends in biologically relevant chemistry in relation to the emissions regulations of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. Using remote and high elevation lakes to enhance our understanding of the effect atmospheric pollutants have on aquatic ecosystems.
Remote Sensing: Use of in-situ instrumentation to increase temporal and spatial resolution of nutrient and pollutant flux in surface waters. Influence of development and land-use on water quality.
Technical Support: Provide general technical support for instrumentation upkeep, maintenance and repair. Development of new methods. Instructional support for students on research and analytical methods.
Current Position & Contact Information:
Research Lab Manager
Flathead Lake Biological Station
Ph.D. University of New Hampshire, 2018
B.A. Colorado College, 2008
Research Focus at UNH:
Watershed nitrogen dynamics in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico
Current Position & Contact Information:
Jimmy Casey
Research Focus at UNH:
Lamprey River long term monitoring
DES Tidal Tributary
NHGW well monitoring
College Brook monthly sampling
Prior Education:
B.Sc. Environmental Sciences, University of New Hampshire
Current Position & Contact Information:
Dani Chancey
Research Focus at UNH:
Lamprey River long term monitoring
DES Tidal Tributary
NHGW well monitoring
College Brook monthly sampling
Prior Education:
B.Sc. Environmental Sciences, University of New Hampshire, 2019
Current Position & Contact Information:
Maria Chapela Lara
Research Focus at UNH:
I am broadly interested in understanding weathering processes in the tropics. Specifically, I am investigating why and when do we find a decoupling between the solutes that determine the composition of the streams and those cycled by the vegetation. During my current project, I am tracing the sources and pathways of these solutes to streams within the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory in Puerto Rico, using several traditional and non-traditional (Mg and Li isotopes) geochemical tracers.
PhD, Earth Sciences, University of Bristol
MS, Soil Sciences, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
BS, Geological Engineering, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Current Contact Information:
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
B.Sc. Environmental Sciences, University of New Hampshire
Research Focus at UNH:
Lamprey River long term monitoring
DES Tidal Tributary
NHGW well monitoring
College Brook monthly sampling
NH Streams DDON
Argon Additions
Current Position & Contact Information:
Service Technician
White Water and Wastewater solutions
New Hampshire
Post-doctoral research University of New Hampshire (2015-2017)
Ph.D. Michigan Technological University, 2015
M.S. Northern Arizona University, 2010
B.A. Mount Holyoke College, 2005
Research Focus at UNH:
1) How may concentration-discharge relationships and long-term trends of solute concentrations be altered by hydrological extremes in a suburbanizing watershed?
2) How does DOM composition vary over space and time in a river network?
3) Does the pulse of snowmelt (NO3 and FDOM) vary across a N gradient using high frequency sensors?
Current Position & Contact Information:
Research interests: Research to understand the environmental effects of forestry activities on watersheds (including water quality and quantity).
Forest Watershed Scientist
National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. (NCASI)
227 NW Third Street
Corvallis, OR 97330
(541) 752-8801 ext 303
Selected publications:
Coble AA, Marcarelli AM, Kane ES, Huckins CJ. 2016. Uptake of ammonium and soluble reactive phosphorus in forested streams: influence of dissolved organic matter composition. Biogeochemistry, 131, 355-372, doi: 10.1007/s10533-016-0284-7
Wymore, A, Coble, AA, Rodriguez-Cordona, B, McDowell, WH. 2016. Nitrate uptake across biomes and the influence of elemental stoichiometry: A new look at LINX II. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 30, 1183-1191, doi: 10.1002/2016GB005468
Coble AA, Marcarelli AM, Kane ES, Stottlemyer R, Toczydlowski, D. 2016. Seasonality, export, and biodegradability of dissolved organic carbon in Lake Superior tributaries, Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences, 121, doi:10.1002/2015JG003218.
Coble AA, Marcarelli AM, Kane ES. 2015. Ammonium and glucose amendments stimulate dissolved organic matter mineralization in a Lake Superior tributary. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 41(3), doi:10.1016/j.jglr.2015.05.015
M.S. Water Resources, University of New Hampshire
B.A. Environmental Science, Boston University
Current Position & Contact Information:
Flow Restoration Specialist
Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game, Division of Ecological Restoration
Boston, MA
M.S. Water Resources- University of New Hampshire
B.S. Environmental Science, University of Maine, Orono
Research Focus at UNH:
In-stream carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus dynamics on the Central Siberian Plateau; quantifying bioavailable organic matter fractions following permafrost degradation.
Current Position & Contact Information:
Project Manager
FB Environmental Associates
170 West Rd, Suite 6
Portsmouth, NH 03801
Selected publications:
Diemer, L. A, W. H. McDowell, A. S. Wymore, and A. S. Prokushkin. 2015. Nutrient uptake along a fire gradient in boreal streams of Central Siberia. Freshwater Science 34(4): 1443-1456.
M.S. Water Resources- University of New Hampshire
B.A. Environmental Studies, B.A. Spanish- Pacific Lutheran University
Research Focus at UNH:
I measured seasonal patterns in nitrate assimilation and denitrification in Burley-Demeritt Creek, on the UNH Organic Dairy Farm.
Current Position & Contact Information:
Source Water Quality Program Coordinator
City of Boulder, Colorado
To protect and preserve the city’s source water quality, I collaborate across sectors, analyze environmental data, and communicate results to inform special projects and policies, and educate staff and customers about our drinking water.
Dunlap, C.R., Sklenar, K.S., Blake, L.J. 2015. A costly endeavor: addressing algae problems in a water supply. Journal of the American Water Works Association.
Ph.D. Univ. of Minnesota (Conservation Biology, anticipated 2013)
M.S. Univ. of New Hampshire (Natural Resources: Water Resources, 2007)
B.A. Univ. of Arizona (Political Science, 1993, concurrently earned)
B.A. Univ. of Arizona (Women’s Studies, 1993)
A.A. Simon’s Rock College (Liberal Studies, 1987)
Current Position & Contact Information:
University of Minnesota
100 Ecology
1987 Upper Buford Circle
St. Paul, MN 55108
Selected publications:
Flint, S., Markle, T., Thompson, S., and Wallace, E. 2012. Bisphenol A exposure, effects, and policy: A wildlife perspective. Journal of Environmental Management. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2012.03.021
Flint, S., Heidel, T., Loss, S., Osborne, J., Prescott, K., Smith., D. 2012. CBD Biosafety Technical Series 02: Summary and Comparative Analysis of Nine National Approaches to Ecological Risk Assessment of Living Modified Organisms in the Context of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, Annex III. 178 pp.,, Montreal: SC BD.
Flint, S., and McDowell, W. H., 2015. Effects of headwater wetlands on dissolved nitrogen and dissolved organic carbon concentrations in a suburban New Hampshire watershed. Freshwater Science 34, no. 2: 456-471.
Flint, S., Jordan, N., and Shaw, R., 2018. Plant community response to switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) population source in establishing prairies. Journal of Ecological Society of America.
Current Position & Contact Information:

Research Focus at UNH:
Nutrient dynamics in tropical watersheds.
Prior Education:
B.S. Lafayette College Easton, PA

M.Sc. NRES Candidate University of Northern British Columbia, Canada
B.Sc. McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario Canada
Research Focus at UNH:
Lamprey River long term water quality monitoring
DES Tidal Tributaries
NHGS Well Monitoring
College Brook (Durham) monthly monitoring
Ph.D. University of New Hampshire, 2017
Current Position & Contact Information:
Postdoc, Helton Lab
University of Connecticut
Selected publications:
Koenig, L.E., M.D. Shattuck, L.E. Snyder, J.D. Potter, and W.H. McDowell. 2017. Deconstructing the effects of flow on DOC, nitrate, and major ion interactions using a high-frequency aquatic sensor network. Water Resources Research 53(12): 10655-10673. DOI: 10.1002/2017WR020739
Koenig, L.E., C. Song, W.M. Wollheim, J. Rüegg, and W.H. McDowell. 2017. Nitrification increases nitrogen export from a tropical river network. Freshwater Science 36(4): 698-712. DOI: 10.1086/694906
Koenig, L.E., A.J. Baumann, and W.H. McDowell. 2014. Improving automated phosphorus measurements in freshwater: an analytical approach to eliminating silica interference. Limnology and Oceanography-Methods 12: 223-231. DOI: 10.4319/lom.2014.12.223
M.Sc. University of New Hampshire, 2005
B.Sc. 2000
Research Focus at UNH:
Effects of Nitrogen Saturation Experiments in Lowland Rainforest and Montane Cloud Forest of El Yunque Rainforest, Puerto Rico.
Current Position & Contact Information:
Currently serving as the Managing Director for Pure Home Water, a non-profit company dedicated to providing affordable safe home water filtration and storage solutions to rural households in the Northern Region of Ghana. Pure Home Water manufactures clay filters which can remove up to 99.9% of bacteria and protozoa water borne diseases from available public water supplies, typically including watering holes and dugouts, but also municipally piped drinking water.
M.Sc. University of New Hampshire, 2001
B.Sc. 1993
Research Focus at UNH:
My thesis investigated Nitrogen transformation, retention and export in a Puerto Rican Stream using a 15N tracer.
Current Position & Contact Information:
Selected publications:
Bernot M.J., D. J. Sobota, R.O. Hall Jr., P.J. Mulholland, W.K. Dodds, J.R. Webster, J. L. Tank, L.R. Ashkenas, L.W. Cooper, C.N. Dahm, S.V. Gregory, N. B. Grimm, S. K. Hamilton, S. L. Johnson, W.H. McDowell, J. L. Meyer, B. Peterson, G. C. Poole, H. M. Valett, C. Arango, J. J. Beaulieu, A. J. Burgin, C. Crenshaw, A. M. Helton, L. Johnson, J. Merriam, B.R. Niederlehner, J.M. O’Brien, J. D. Potter, R. W. Sheibley, S.M. Thomas, K. Wilson, 2010. Inter-regional comparison of land-use effects on stream metabolism. Freshwater Biology, 55, 1874–1890.
Potter, J.D., W.H. McDowell, J.L. Merriam, B.J. Peterson, and S.M. Thomas. 2010. Denitrification and total nitrate uptake in streams of a tropical landscape. Ecological Applications, 20(8):2104-2115.
McDowell, W.H., A. Magill, J.A. Aitkenhead-Peterson, John D. Aber, Jeffrey Merriam, Sujay Kaushal. 2004. Effects of chronic nitrogen amendment on dissolved organic matter and inorganic nitrogen in soil solution. Forest Ecology and Management 196:29-42.
Webster, J.R., P.J. Mulholland, J.L. Tank, B.J. Peterson, W.R. Dodds, H.M. Valett, W.B. Bowden, C.N. Dahm, S. Findlay, S.V. Gregory, N.B. Grimm, S.K. Hamilton, S.L. Johnson, E. Marti, W.H. McDowell, J.L. Merriam, D.D. Morrall, J.L. Meyer, S.A. Thomas, and W.M. Wollheim. 2003. Factors affecting ammonium uptake in streams – an inter-biome perspective. Freshwater Biology 48:1329-1352.
Mulholland, P.J., J. L. Tank, J. R. Webster, W. B. Bowden, W. K. Dodds, S. V. Gregory, N. B. Grimm, S. K. Hamilton, S. L. Johnson, E. Martí, W. H. McDowell, J. Merriam, J. L. Meyer, B. J. Peterson, H. M. Valett, and W. M. Wollheim. 2002. Can uptake length in streams be determined by nutrient addition experiments? Results from an inter-biome comparison study. J. North American Benthological Society 21: 544-560.
M.S. Water Resources, University of New Hampshire
B.A. University of Vermont
Research Focus at UNH:
Ammonium cycling in Burley Demerritt Creek, a small agriculturally influenced stream near the University.
Current Position & Contact Information:
Ph.D. Natural Resources – University of New Hampshire
M.S. Natural Resources – University of New Hampshire
B.S. Environmental Sciences – University of Vermont
Research Focus at UNH:
Plum Island Ecosystems LTER --
Current Position & Contact Information:
Selected publications:
Morse, N., W. B. Bowden, A. Hackman, C. Pruden, E. Steiner, E. Berger. 2007. Using sound pressure to estimate reaeration in streams. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 26: 28-37.
Morse, N.B. 2010. Impacts of suburbanization on food web stoichiometry of detritus-based streams. M.S. dissertation, University of New Hampshire.
Morse, N.B., W.M. Wollheim, J.P. Benstead, & McDowell, W.H.. Impacts of suburbanization on food web stoichiometry in detritus-based streams of New England. In review.
M.Sc. University of New Hampshire, 2012
B.Sc. Sewanee University of the South
Research Focus at UNH:
1) Spatial and temporal variation of dissolved organic matter in the Lamprey River.
2) Carbon and nitrogen cycling in streams of the Central Siberian Plateau.
Current Position & Contact Information:
Environmental Scientist
Utah Division of Water Quality
195 N 1950 W
Salt Lake City, Utah 84116
Selected publications:
Parham, L. P, Prokushkin, A.S, Pokrovsky, O.S, Titov, S.V, Grekova, E, Shirokova, L.S, and W. H. McDowell. 2013. Permafrost and fire and regulators of stream chemistry in basins of the Central Siberian Plateau. Biogeochemistry 116(1-3): 55-68.
Ph.D. University of New Hampshire
M.S. University of Maine
B.S. University of New Hampshire
Current Position & Contact Information:
Katherine Perez Rivera
M.Sc. Student
James 122
Current Project:
Prior Education:
M.Sc., Water Resources Management, University of New Hampshire, 2002
B.S., Water Resources Management, University of New Hampshire, 1999
Research Focus at UNH:
Concentrated on the impacts of carbon and nitrogen loading of organic soils within forested ecosystems. Additionally, I assisted with the development and installation of Zero Tension Lysimeters in multiple forest stands across the northeast as well as in El Yunque, Puerto Rico, where water was collected and analyzed for dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen.
Current Position & Contact Information:
NASA, Program Analyst
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771.
Cell: 603-591-5968 Office: 301-286-6220.
Email: OR
Selected publications:
Robinson, D.P. 2002. Glomalin: a potential sink for nitrogen and possible contributor to dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen within the organic soils of the Harvard Forest, 10/01/2000-09/30/2003. M.S. Thesis, University of New Hampshire, 62pp.

Research Focus at UNH:
Carbon and nitrogen coupling in streams across biomes.
Prior Education:
M.S. University of New Hampshire
B.S. University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras
Current Position & Contact Information:
Postdoctoral Fellow
Université du Québec à Montréal
Rodríguez-Cardona, B., Coble, A.A., Wymore, A.S., Kolosov, R., Podgorski, D.C., Zito, P.,Spencer, R.G.M., Prokushkin, A.S., McDowell, W.H. (In-Prep). Biomass burning impacts on carbon and nutrient dynamics in Arctic fluvial ecosystems.
Wymore, A.S., Coble, A.A., Rodríguez-Cardona, B., & McDowell, W. H. (2016) Nitrate uptake across biomes and the influence of elemental stoichiometry: A new look at LINX II. Global Biogeochemical Cycles,30, doi: 10.1002/2016GB005468.
Rodríguez-Cardona, B., Wymore, A. S., & McDowell, W. H. (2016). DOC:NO3− ratios andNO3 uptake in forested headwater streams. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,121(1), 205-217.doi: 10.1002/2015jg003146.
Wymore, A. S., Rodríguez-Cardona, B., & McDowell, W. H. (2015). Direct response of dissolved organic nitrogen to nitrate availability in headwater streams. Biogeochemistry 126(1),1-10. doi: 10.1007/s1053301-0153-9.

M.Sc. Soil and Water Resource Management, University of New Hampshire, 2019
B.Sc. University of Connecticut, 2017
Research Focus at UNH:
Seasonal controls of CO2 across a development gradient in New Hampshire streams.
Current Position & Contact Information:
PhD. Geosciences, UMass Amherst, Massachusetts
M.S., Soil and Water Resource Management, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire, 2014
B.A., Environmental Studies, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, 2005
Research Focus at UNH:
Sediment loading and transport associated with land-use change in the Lamprey River Watershed.
Current Position & Contact Information:
Scientist @ Integral Consulting
Selected publications:
Shonka, N.K. 2014. Water quality sensors provide insight into the suspended solids dynamics of high flow storm events in the Lamprey River. Master of Science Dissertation, Department of Natural Resources & the Environment, College of Life Sciences and Agriculture, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH. Publication No. 1526056.
Morse, N.B., P.A. Pellissier, E.N. Cianciola, R.L. Brereton, M.M. Sullivan, N.K. Shonka, T.B. Wheeler, and W.H. McDowell. 2014. Novel ecosystems in the Anthropocene: A revision of the novel ecosystem concept for pragmatic applications. Ecology and Society 19(2):12.

B.Sc. Environmental Sciences, University of New Hampshire, Durham, 2014
Research Focus at UNH:
Laboratory Technician II. Trained and worked with undergraduate and graduate students; maintained selected instruments; project and sample management; general laboratory responsibilities.
Current Position & Contact Information:
M.A. Urban and Environmental Planning and Policy, Tufts University, Medford, MA
Ph.D. University of New Hampshire, 2010
Research Focus at UNH:
My research focused on stream disturbance ecology and I had field sites in New Hampshire (on the Suncook River), in western Massachusetts, and in the Czech Republic.
Current Position & Contact Information:
Selected publications:
Kram, P., Oulehle, F., Stedra, V., Hruska, J., Shanley, J.B., Minocha, R., and E. Traister. 2010. Geoecology of a forest watershed underlain by serpentine in Central Europe. Northeastern Naturalist 16:309-328.
Kram P., Traister E., Kolarikova K., Oulehle F., Skorepa J., Fottova D. (2008) Potocni makrozoobentos deviti vybranych povodi site GEOMON (In Czech , English abstract: Stream benthic macroinvertebrates of nine selected catchments of the GEOMON network). Zpravy o geologickych vyzkumech za rok 2007 (Geoscience Research Reports for 2007), 162-168, Ceska geologicka sluzba (Czech Geological Survey), Praha, in press.
Traister, E.M. and S. Anisfeld. 2006. Variability of Indicator Bacteria at Different Time Scales in the Upper Hoosic River Watershed. Environmental Science and Technology 40: 4990-4995.
Traister, E.M., McDowell, W.H., Kram, P, Fottova, D., and K. Kolarikova. Persistent effects of acidification on stream ecosystem structure and function. 2013. Freshwater Science 32: 586-596.

Research Focus at UNH:
Impacts of hurricanes on soil solution and stream water at Luquillo Experimental Forest in Puerto Rico.
Ph.D., Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, 2014
M.S., Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, 2008
B.A., Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China, 2005