The following list represents projects funded through the NH WRRC since 1990 (project reports are linked to the project title). If further technical information is desired, please contact the NH WRRC. The principal investigators can also be contacted via e-mail, where available.
- NH Water Resources Research Center Information Transfer
- Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watersheds
- Measuring the contribution of picocyanobacteria to harmful blooms in New Hampshire lakes with cell-size sorting, qPCR, and metagenome assembly
- Uptake and bioaccumulation of PFAS and precursor compounds in lake food webs
- NH Water Resources Research Center Information Transfer
- Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watersheds
- Water Quality and the Landscape: Real time monitoring in the Lamprey River watershed
- A Hedonic Analysis of the Impact of PFAS Contamination in New Hampshire Municipal Water Supplies on House Prices
- Open-source, low-cost environmental sensing: development and education
- Uptake and bioaccumulation of PFAS and precursor compounds in lake food webs
- Determining the effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments on the recovery of surface waters in the northeastern US
- NH Water Resources Research Center Information Transfer
- Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watersheds
- Water Quality and the Landscape: Real time monitoring in the Lamprey River watershed
- Impact of geomorphology and riparian vegetation on New England riverbank erosion
- Land Conservation for Flood Risk Management: Ecosystem-based Approaches in NH’s Coastal Watershed
- Determining the effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments on the recovery of surface waters in the northeastern US
- Evaluating Environmental DNA Lake Assessments: A Potential Early Warning Alert for the Presence of Cyanobacteria Associated with HAB Formation in New England Lakes
- Compiled 2016 NH WRRC Report
- Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watersheds
- Effects of dissolved organic carbon on methylmercury bioavailability in stream ecosystems
- Determining the Effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments for the Recovery of Surface Waters in the Northeastern U.S.
- Salt and Streams: Assessing ecological stress in New Hampshire watersheds at community, population, and molecular levels
- Ecosystem Indicators for Freshwater Streams
- New Hampshire WRRC Information Transfer
- Compiled 2015 NH WRRC Report
- Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watersheds
- Natural dams and biogeochemistry at the river network scale: implications for water quality
- Determining the Effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments for the Recovery of Surface Waters in the Northeastern U.S.
- Contribution of fluvial wetlands to nitrogen retention in urbanizing coastal watersheds in New England across multiple scales
- Improved Ecosystem Indicator Tools for Water Quality Management – Genomic Analysis of Periphyton to Identify Stressors
- New Hampshire WRRC Information Transfer
- Compiled 2014 NH WRRC Report
- Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watersheds
- Determining the Effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments for the Recovery of Surface Waters in the Northeastern U.S.
- Natural dams and biogeochemistry at the river network scale: implications for water quality
- Contribution of fluvial wetlands to nitrogen retention in urbanizing coastal watersheds in New England across multiple scales
- New Hampshire WRRC Information Transfer
- Compiled 2013 NH WRRC Report
- Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watersheds
- Arsenic chemical dynamics in NH groundwater reservoirs: Insights from temporal variability in multi-element signatures of statewide samples
- Determining the Effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments for the Recovery of Surface Waters in the Northeastern U.S.
- James Hall Vegetated Roof Nutrient Removal Efficiency and Hydrologic Response
- New Hampshire WRRC Information Transfer
- Participatory Water Quality Assessment Through the NH Lakes Lay Monitoring Program
- Compiled 2012 Report
- Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watersheds
- Arsenic chemical dynamics in NH groundwater reservoirs: Insights from temporal variability in multi-element signatures of statewide samples
- Determining the Effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments for the Recovery of Surface Waters in the Northeastern U.S.
- Determining the Impact of Coal Tar Based Driveway Sealant on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Concentrations in NH Waterbodies
- James Hall Vegetated Roof Nutrient Removal Efficiency and Hydrologic Response
- New Hampshire WRRC Information Transfer
- Participatory Water Quality Assessment Through the NH Lakes Lay Monitoring Program
- Compiled 2011 Report
- Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watersheds
- Nutrient Loading Coefficients for NH Watersheds: Development and Connectivity
- Arsenic chemical dynamics in NH groundwater reservoirs: Insights from temporal variability in multi-element signatures of statewide samples
- New Hampshire WRRC Information Transfer
- Determining the Effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments for the Recovery of Surface Waters in the Northeastern U.S.
- Overall Report (pdf)
- Information Transfer (pdf)
- Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watersheds (pdf)
- Water Quality Change-Effects of Development in Selected Watersheds (title within JAS report “Effects of Development on Nutrient Loading”) (pdf)
- Hydrologic and Isotopic Investigation of Base Flow Generation in the Headwaters Lamprey River Watershed (pdf)
- Public information digests in support of the UNH Stormwater Center and the NH Stormwater Commission (pdf)
- Determining the effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments on the recovery of surface waters in the northeastern US (pdf)
- Overall Yearly Report (pdf)
- Information Transfer (pdf)
- Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watersheds (pdf)
- Water Quality Change-Effects of Development in Selected Watersheds (title within JAS report “Effects of Development on Nutrient Loading: Septic System Influence”) (pdf)
- Urbanization Impacts on NH Streamwater Thermal Loading (pdf)
- A Pilot Study Of Septic Impacts On Water Quality: Using Boron Concentrations and Isotopes as a Source Tracer (pdf)
- Determining the effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments on the recovery of surface waters in the northeastern US (pdf)
- Watershed Assessment of New Boston Air Force Station (pdf)
- Determining the effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments on the recovery of surface waters in the northeastern US (pdf)
- Urbanization Impacts on NH Streamwater Thermal Loading (pdf)
- Information Transfer (pdf)
- Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watersheds (pdf)
- The role of landscape controls on stream chemistry variability and inorganic aluminum mobilization in the White Mountains of New Hampshire (pdf)
- Watershed Assessment of New Boston Air Force Station (NBAFS) (pdf)
- Water Quality Change:-Effects of Development on Nutrient Loading in Selected Watersheds (pdf)
- Determining the effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Amendments on the recovery of surface waters in the northeastern US (pdf)
- Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-term monitoring of rapidly developing suburban watersheds (pdf)
- Watershed Assessment of New Boston Air Force Base (pdf)
- Water Quality Change: Effects of Development on Nutrient Loading in Selected Watersheds (pdf)
- Physical, Biological, and Biogeochemical Response of a Northeastern River to a Severe Flood (pdf)
- Protecting Water Supply Quality through Watershed Planning and Management (pdf)
- Determining the Effectiveness of the Clean Air Act and Ammendments on the Recovery of Surface Waters in the Northeastern US (pdf)
- Water Quality and the Landscape: Long-Term Monitoring of Rapidly Developing Suburban Watersheds (pdf)
- Effects of Water Quality in a Changing Landscape (pdf)
- Inactivation of Hepatitis A virus HM-175/18f, Reovirus type 1 Lang and Bacteriophage MS2 during alkaline stabilization of biosolids (pdf)
- Water Quality And The Landscape: Long-Term Monitoring Of Rapidly Developing Suburban Watersheds (pdf)
- Linking Lakes With The Landscape: The Fate Of Terrestrial Organic Matter In Planktonic Food Webs
- Dynamics Of Groundwater Inflows To The Lamprey River, NH
- Characterization Of Groundwater Discharge To Hampton Harbor
- Effects Of Land Use On Water Quality In A Changing Landscape
- Release of Nitrate-Nitrogen and Heavy Metals from Land-Applied Biosolids in Northern Areas
- Condition and Change Analysis of Tidal Wetlands on the Squamscott River, Great Bay Estuary, New Hampshire Using Remote Sensing
- An Assessment of Historical and Contemporary Atmospheric Deposition of Mercury to A New Hampshire Watershed Lake
- Determination of Loss or Degradation of Wetland Habitats in Northern New England Utilizing Remote Sensing (Condition and Change Analysis): Refinement of Methodology, Application to Study Sites in New Hampshire and Publication of Results
- Hydrogeology of the Spruce Hole Aquifer
- Consensus Investigation and Conference on Research Needs
- Release of Nitrate- Nitrogen and Heavy Metals from Land-Applied Biosolids in Northern Areas
- Influence of Nonpoint Source Pollution on Microbial Aspects of Water Quality in New Hampshire's Coastal Watersheds
- Field Evaluation of the Land Application of Paper Mill Secondary Clarifier Sludge
- Hydrogeology of the Spruce Hole Aquifer
- Fate of Nutrients During Composting of Yard and Agricultural Wastes
- Relations Between Hydraulic Geometry and Streamflow Statistics in New Hampshire and Vermont
- Influence of Nonpoint Source Pollution on Microbial Aspects of Water Quality in New Hampshire's Coastal Watersheds
- Field Evaluation of the Land Application of Paper Mill Secondary Clarifier Sludge
- Hydrogeology of the Spruce Hole Aquifer
- Fate of Nutrients During the Composting of Yard and Agricultural Wastes
- Fate of Sediments and Associated Fecal-Borne Bacteria Entering Great Bay
- Piscataqua River Dredging/Sediment Transport Program
- Field Evaluation of the Land Application of Paper Mill Secondary Clarifier Sludge
- Hydrogeology of the Spruce Hole Aquifer
- Land Application of Municipal Sludge in New Hampshire Forests: Minimizing the Risks to Groundwater Quality
- Anthropogenic Effects on New Hampshire Surface Water Quality: Long Term Evidence from Lake Sediments
- Oil Spill Response Engineering and Planning
- Evaluation of the Environmental Impacts Resulting from Motor Boat Activities - Phase I
- Sampling Program Development and Performance Evaluation of Point of Entry (POE) Treatment Units Installed at Gasoline-Contaminated Well Sites
- Evaluation and Automation of Small Pressure Filter Systems