Request for Proposals

FY2025 Water Resources Research Act Funding Opportunities

NH Water Resources Research Center (104b annual base grants). 

The New Hampshire Water Resources Research Center (NH WRRC) is accepting applications for water resources related projects for FY2025 (anticipated budget year begins September 1, 2025). Any investigator at an institution of higher learning in New Hampshire is eligible to apply. Please see the 2025 NH WRRC RFP for further details. Note that the federal budget requested (maximum of $30,000 in total direct costs) must be matched by one non-federal dollar for each federal dollar requested. If you plan to submit a proposal, please contact by Monday January 27, 2025 to provide the provisional title, principal investigator(s) and two or three potential technical reviewers with whom you have no conflicts of interest. To be considered for funding, proposals must be submitted to no later than Friday Feb. 7, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.   Please note that federal funding has not yet been appropriated for FY 2025.

National Competitive Grants (104g general, PFAS and AIS)

The U.S. Geological Survey supports an annual call for proposals under the National Competitive (104g) Grants in cooperation with the National Institutes for Water Resources (NIWR) to focus on water problems and issues that are of a regional or interstate nature or relate to a specific program priority identified by the Secretary of the Interior.  Goals of the National Competitive (104g) Grants program are to promote collaboration between the USGS and university scientists in research on significant national and regional water resources issues; promote the dissemination and results of the research funded under this program; and to assist in the training of scientists in water resources. 

In addition to the general 104g competition, the U.S. Geological Survey supports an annual call for proposals to support research challenges and opportunities of understanding the impact of per-and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) substances on water resources. The U.S. Geological Survey also supports an annual call for proposals to support research on the real and growing impact of numerous aquatic invasive species (AIS) on water quality and quantity in the Upper Mississippi Basin.

The NH WRRC will announce the FY 2025 National Competitive Grants funding opportunities when they become available in the coming months. Historically, each fiscal year announcement is released in the winter or early spring with 104g, PFAS and AIS proposals due to the NH WRRC in April or May.  More information is available on the USGS Water Resources Research Act Application Information page or by contacting