Thursday, January 30, 2020 - 4:30pm
The USGS in cooperation with the National Institutes for Water Resources (NIWR) has announced the FY2020 Water Resources Research National Competitive Grants Program (section 104(g) of the Water Resources Research Act of 1984). This competitive grant program focuses on “water problems and issues of a regional or interstate nature beyond those of concern only to a single State”. The due date for submission to the NH Water Resources Research Center is 5:00 pm March 5, 2020. NH PIs should submit proposals to Please also send a courtesy email if you intend to submit a full proposal so that we can be prepared to work with you to meet the 5:00 PM Eastern Time, March 19, 2020 submission deadline to Please refer to the RFP and visit for further details.
Proposals are sought on the topic of improving and enhancing the nation’s water supply and availability, and promoting the exploration of new ideas that address or expand our understanding of water problems, including the following specific areas of inquiry:
- Expand and enhance the use of hydrologic monitoring data monitoring to support advanced modeling tools to provide state-of-the-art flood and drought forecasts, drive emergency- and water-management decision support systems.
- Help society deal with water scarcity or water availability challenges such as drought, snow pack, and/or changes in runoff regimes.
- Develop and evaluate processes and governance mechanisms that advance the science of ecological flows.
- Explore and advance of our understanding of harmful algae blooms (HABs). Proposals are sought that focus on innovations in monitoring the occurrence of HABs and algal toxins, research on factors that result in algal toxin production, and improvements in near-real time modeling and forecasting of toxin-producing blooms.
The program objectives are to: a) promote substantial collaboration between the USGS and university scientists, b) promote the dissemination and application of research results and c) support students or early career faculty. Any investigator at an accredited institution of higher learning is eligible to apply. Proposals may be for projects of 1 to 3 years in duration and may request up to $250,000 in federal funds. Successful applicants must match each dollar of the federal grant with one dollar from non-federal sources. The Government's obligation under this program is contingent upon the availability of funds.