Faculty members at the Thompson School have significant work experience in industry and business; extensive and up-to-date knowledge of their specialties; ongoing contacts with practicing professionals; dedication to students and to excellence in teaching; and a commitment to practical, science-based education. They work closely with students, providing academic advising, career counseling, and special assistance, even outside the classroom, when needed.
Located at the western entrance to campus, the Thompson School's classrooms, laboratories, and working enterprises are designed for career-related experience under realistic conditions.
What distinguishes the Thompson School's associate degree?

Getting real—very fast.
Our programs are intensely focused to provide the training you need to meet the technical requirements of your chosen career in two years. For each hour in the classroom, you will spend two in the lab or field, applying what you have learned.
Sound challenging?
It is. But as many of our students will tell you, working with a dedicated professor who is an experienced professional also makes it fun.